See: Description
Interface | Description |
CalculateContractPricesCmd |
Interface for the
CalculateContractPricesCmd Task Command to retrieve
all the qualified contract prices and to calculate the price adjustment specified
by the contract for one or more catalog entries. |
ComposePriceForCatalogEntryCmd |
This is the interface of the ComposePriceForCatalogEntryCmdImpl.
ContractPriceAdditionCmd |
Interface for the
ContractPriceAdditionCmd Task Command to calculate(adding)
the contract prices of components of a dynamic kit. |
CreateNominalCostCmd |
This command interface is used to create the nominal cost of a product.
DeleteNominalCostCmd |
This command interface is used to delete the nominal cost of a product.
DeployPriceTCCmd |
Interface for the
DeployPriceTCCmd Task Command to deploy the
Price Terms&Conditions defined in a Trading Agreement. |
EntitledPriceDataBeanCmd |
This data bean command is used to populate the data for the data bean
EntitledPriceDataBean . |
FloorPriceLookupCmd |
Interface for the
FloorPriceLookupCmd Task Command to lookup
the floor price for a catalog entry. |
GetBaseSpecialPriceCmd |
Interface for the command used for retrieving the base special price of a product.
GetBaseUnitPriceCmd |
Interface for the command used for retrieving the base unit price of a product.
GetContractPriceListCmd |
Interface for the
GetContractPriceListCmd Task Command to calculate
the contract price for a catalog entry given a trading agreements id. |
GetContractSpecialPriceCmd |
This interface calculates the prices for one or more catalog entries with the
intent of displaying them in orders.
GetContractUnitPriceCmd |
This interface calculates the prices for one or more catalog entries with the
intent of displaying them in the shopping cart or current order.
GetCustomContractUnitPriceCmd |
This interface uses the price engine to calculate prices for catalog entries
that are associated with additional data.
GetDynamicKitPercentageAdjustmentCmd |
Interface for the
GetDynamicKitPercentageAdjustmentCmd Task Command to retrieve percentage adjustment on a
specific dynamic kit. |
GetDynamicKitUnitPriceCmd |
The interface
GetDynamicKitUnitPriceCmd is used to get
the price of dynamic kit. |
GetEntitledPriceCmd |
This command retrieves the best offer prices for one or more catalog entries from either the local cache or the external system.
GetPriceListForRangePriceCmd |
This command is to retrieve the price list for a catalog entry
which is used to retrieve the range price.
GetProductBaseUnitPriceCmd |
Interface for the command used for retrieving the product base unit price of a product.
GetProductContractUnitPriceCmd |
This interface calculates the prices for one or more catalog entries with the
intent of displaying them when browsing the catalog in the store front.
GetStandardOfferCmd |
Interface for the command used for retrieving the standard offer price of a product.
PredefinedConfigurationComponentPricingCmd |
TaskCommand used to calculate the price of a dynamic kit using a predefined configuration.
PriceCalculationConstants |
Constants used by the Price Calculation
PublishCustomPriceListCmd |
Interface for the
PublishCustomPriceListCmd Task Command to
populate the custom price list and to publish the corresponding custom
product set for the PriceTCCustomPriceList T&C. |
ResolvePriceListsCmd |
Interface for the
ResolvePriceListsCmd Task Command to resolve
the price lists referenced by the price business policies. |
RetrievePricesCmd |
Interface for the
RetrievePricesCmd Task Command to retrieve
all the qualified contract prices and to calculate the price adjustment specified
by the contract for one or more catalog entries. |
SelectContractPricesCmd |
Interface for the
SelectContractPricesCmd Task Command to
select the best offer among all the qualified offers for the input catalog
entry. |
SetCurrencyPrefCmd |
Interface for the command used to set the currency of a user.
SetCurrencyPreferenceCmd |
Interface for command used to set the currency of a user.
UpdateNominalCostCmd |
This command interface is used for update nominal cost of a product with the same currency.
ValidateDelegatedPriceCmd |
This command interface is used for validating a delegated price of a product.
Class | Description |
AbstractGetDynamicKitUnitPriceCmdImpl |
This is the implementation of
GetDynamicKitUnitPriceCmd . |
AbstractGetEntitledPriceCmdImpl |
This abstract task command is used as the base implementation for task commands which get entitled price from
external system using different data retrieval policy.
AbstractGetPriceCmdImpl |
AbstractGetPriceCmdImpl is a base class implementation for newer versions of
GetContractUnitPriceCmdImpl . |
CalculateContractPricesCmdImpl |
CalculateContractPricesCmd Task Command Implementation
retrieves all the qualified contract prices and calculates the price adjustment
specified by the contract for one or more catalog entries. |
CatalogFilterGetContractUnitPriceCmdImpl |
CatalogFilterGetContractUnitPriceCmdImpl is a price command that can be used
to enhance other commands to support catalog entry entitlement.
CatEntryPrices |
Pricing info stored for input catalog entries.
ComposePriceForCatalogEntryCmdImpl |
ComposePriceForCatalogEntryCmdImpl Task Command
Implementation composes the PriceInfoType array for given catalog entries. |
CompositeGetContractUnitPriceCmdImpl |
CompositeGetContractUnitPriceCmdImpl can merge the functions of two price
command implementations.
ContractPriceAdditionCmdImpl | |
CreateNominalCostCmdImpl |
CreateNominalCostCmdImpl Task Command Implementation
creates the nominal cost of a product |
DeleteNominalCostCmdImpl |
DeleteNominalCostCmdImpl Task Command Implementation
is used to delete the nominal cost of a product. |
DeployPriceTCCmdImpl |
DeployPriceTCCmd Task Command Implementation
deploys the Price Terms & Conditions defined in a Trading Agreements. |
EnsureOffersExistGetContractUnitPriceCmdImpl |
EnsureOffersExistGetContractUnitPriceCmdImpl is a price command that can be
used to enhance other commands to ensure that offers exist in the returned
EntitledPriceDataBeanCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of
EntitledPriceDataBeanCmd data bean command. |
ExternalSetCurrencyPrefCmdImpl |
This is the implementation of
SetCurrencyPrefCmd . |
FloorPriceLookupCmdImpl |
FloorPriceLookupCmdImpl Task Command Implementation retrieves
the floor price for a given catalog entry. |
GetBaseUnitPriceCmdImpl |
Get the best price for a catalog entry.
GetCachedEntitledPriceCmdImpl |
It retrieves the best contract price for catalog entry from price memory cache.
GetContractPriceListCmdImpl | |
GetContractUnitPriceCmdImpl |
GetContractUnitPriceCmd Task Command Implementation can be called
by several commands such as ProductDisplayCmd , OrderItemAddCmd ,
OrderItemUpdateCmd , OrderItemDisplayCmd and
OrderPrepareCmd Controller Command. |
GetDynamicKitDisplayUnitPriceCmdImpl |
The implementation
GetDynamicKitDisplayUnitPriceCmdImpl is used to get
the price of dynamic kit for display purpose. |
GetDynamicKitEntitledUnitPriceCmdImpl |
The class is used to calculate entitled unit price for dynamic kit.
GetDynamicKitPercentageAdjustmentCmdImpl | |
GetDynamicKitUnitPriceCmdImpl |
Get contract unit price for dynamic kit.
GetExternalEntitledPriceCmdImpl |
This command calls price outbound service to get the best offer prices for these catalog entries from the external
system without checking the local cache.
GetExternalEntitledPriceWithCacheCheckCmdImpl |
This command retrieves the best offer prices for one or more catalog entries from the cache.
GetPriceListForRangePriceCmdImpl |
The dummy implementation of the interface
GetPriceListForRangePriceCmd . |
GetStandardOfferCmdImpl |
GetStandardOfferCmd Task Command Implementation
retrieves the standard offer prices for one or more catalog entries
from the standard price lists. |
ItemPriceInfo |
Internal Pricing info stored for items.
MarketplaceCalculateContractPricesCmdImpl |
CalculateContractPrices implementation for fixed pricing in marketplace Store.
MarketplacePriceListRegistry |
Registry for fixed pricing in marketplace Store.
MarketplaceRetrievePricesCmdImpl |
RetrievePrices implementation for fixed pricing in marketplace Store.
PredefinedConfigurationComponentPricingCmdImpl |
An implementation of PredefinedConfigurationComponentPricingCmd.
PriceCalculationHelper |
PriceCalculationHelper Class provides utility methods for
performing the price calculation. |
PriceListRegistry |
This is the PriceListRegistry.
PriceRuleGetContractUnitPriceCmdImpl |
PriceRuleGetContractUnitPriceCmdImpl is a replacement for
GetContractUnitPriceCmdImpl which only supports price rules. |
PriceTC |
Internal pricing T&C info.
PublishCustomPriceListCmdImpl |
DeployPriceTCCmd Task Command Implementation populates the custom price list
and publishes the corresponding custom product set for the PriceTCCustomPriceList T&C. |
QualifyingOfferInfo |
Qualified Offer info stored for input catalog entries.
ResolvePriceListsCmdImpl |
ResolvePriceListsCmd Task Command Implementation
retrieves the price lists referenced by each of the input price business
policies. |
RetrievePricesCmdImpl |
RetrievePricesCmd Task Command Implementation
retrieves all the qualified offers for one or more catalog entries
from the price lists which are referenced by the entitled contracts. |
SelectContractPricesCmdImpl |
SelectContractPricesCmd Task Command Implementation
selects the best offer among all the qualified offers for the input catalog
entry. |
SetCurrencyPrefCmdImpl |
For each pending order of the shopper, the order item prices are re-calculated
based upon the new shopping currency.
SetCurrencyPreferenceCmdImpl |
Change the preferred currency of the user object for the shopper.
UpdateNominalCostCmdImpl |
UpdateNominalCostCmdImpl Task Command Implementation
updates the nominal cost of a product with the same currency. |
ValidateDelegatedPriceCmdImpl |
ValidateDelegatedPriceCmdImpl Task Command Implementation
checks the lower limit of the negotiated price (which is the price TSR and the
customer agreed with) for a given catalog entry. |