Class AbstractOrderFacadeClient

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class AbstractOrderFacadeClient
    extends AbstractBusinessObjectDocumentFacadeClient

    This class provides a set of methods that can be used to communicate with the Order facade. This class represents a library of Order operations that can be performed. The purpose of this class is to hide the details about constructing the business object document that represents the service request into simple Java methods. The complexity of building the request document and making the request is all managed by this client class of the Order facade.

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractOrderFacadeClient

        public AbstractOrderFacadeClient()
        Creates an instance of the client to communicate with the Order facade.
      • AbstractOrderFacadeClient

        public AbstractOrderFacadeClient(BusinessContextType businessContext,
        Creates an instance of the client to communicate with the Order facade.
        businessContext - The default business context to associate with the messages when making requests.
        callbackHandler - Used for authentication purposes so the controller can give the authentication information to the transport when required.
    • Method Detail

      • getOrder

        public ShowOrderType getOrder(GetOrderType aGetOrder)
        This method will communicate with the Order facade and send the specified GetOrder. request.
        aGetOrder - The GetOrder request document.
        The resulting ShowOrder response document.
      • processOrder

        public AcknowledgeOrderType processOrder(ProcessOrderType aProcessOrder)
        This method will communicate with the Order facade and send the specified ProcessOrder request.
        aProcessOrder - The ProcessOrder request document.
        The resulting AcknowledgeOrder response document.
      • processOrder

        public AcknowledgeOrderType processOrder(ProcessOrderType aProcessOrder,
                                                 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String[]> transformedRestRequestMap)
        This method is added for REST customization. This default implementation of this method is calling processOrder(ProcessOrderType).
        aProcessOrder - The ProcessOrder request document.
        transformedRestRequestMap - a flattened map containing the request parameters
        The resulting AcknowledgeOrder response document.
      • changeOrder

        public RespondOrderType changeOrder(ChangeOrderType aChangeOrder)
        This method will communicate with the Order facade and send the specified ChangeOrder request.
        aChangeOrder - The ChangeOrder request document.
        The resulting RespondOrder response document.
      • changeOrder

        public RespondOrderType changeOrder(ChangeOrderType aChangeOrder,
                                            java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String[]> transformedRestRequestMap)
        This method is added for REST customization. This default implementation of this method is calling changeOrder(ChangeOrderType).
        aChangeOrder - The ChangeOrder request document.
        transformedRestRequestMap - a flattened map containing the request parameters
        The resulting RespondOrder response document.
      • syncOrder

        public ConfirmBODType syncOrder(SyncOrderType aSyncOrder)
        This method will communicate with the Order facade and send the specified SyncOrder request.
        aSyncOrder - The SyncOrder request document.
        The resulting ConfirmBOD response document.
      • getOrder

        public ShowOrderDataAreaType getOrder(GetType getVerb)
                                       throws OrderException
        This method returns the ShowOrderDataArea when issuing the specified get expression to fetch Orders. This method will be used by other frameworks or methods that constructs the get expression.
        getVerb - The get expression to execute.
        The ShowOrderDataArea response when issuing the get expression.
        OrderException - The OrderException is thrown if error information is found in the specified ShowOrderDataArea. This will represent that there was a problem when performing the operation.
      • getOrder

        public java.util.List getOrder(java.lang.String expressionLanguage,
                                       java.lang.String expression)
                                throws OrderException
        This method returns a list of Orders based on the expression specified.
        expressionLanguage - The expression language.
        expression - The expression to return a list of Orders.
        The list of Orders that matches the expression specified.
        OrderException - The OrderException is thrown if error information is found in the specified ShowOrderDataArea. This will represent that there was a problem when performing the operation.
      • getQuote

        public ShowQuoteType getQuote(GetQuoteType aGetQuote)
        This method will communicate with the Order facade and send the specified GetQuote. request.
        aGetQuote - The GetQuote request document.
        The resulting ShowQuote response document.
      • processQuote

        public AcknowledgeQuoteType processQuote(ProcessQuoteType aProcessQuote)
        This method will communicate with the Order facade and send the specified ProcessQuote request.
        aProcessQuote - The ProcessQuote request document.
        The resulting AcknowledgeQuote response document.
      • changeQuote

        public RespondQuoteType changeQuote(ChangeQuoteType aChangeQuote)
        This method will communicate with the Quote facade and send the specified ChangeQuote request.
        aChangeQuote - The ChangeQuote request document.
        The resulting RespondQuote response document.
      • syncQuote

        public ConfirmBODType syncQuote(SyncQuoteType aSyncQuote)
        This method will communicate with the Quote facade and send the specified SyncQuote request.
        aSyncQuote - The SyncQuote request document.
        The resulting ConfirmBOD response document.
      • getQuote

        public ShowQuoteDataAreaType getQuote(GetType getVerb)
                                       throws QuoteException
        This method returns the ShowQuoteDataArea when issuing the specified get expression to fetch Quotes. This method will be used by other frameworks or methods that constructs the get expression.
        getVerb - The get expression to execute.
        The ShowQuoteDataArea response when issuing the get expression.
        QuoteException - The QuoteException is thrown if error information is found in the specified ShowQuoteDataArea. This will represent that there was a problem when performing the operation.
      • getQuote

        public java.util.List getQuote(java.lang.String expressionLanguage,
                                       java.lang.String expression)
                                throws QuoteException
        This method returns a list of Quotes based on the expression specified.
        expressionLanguage - The expression language.
        expression - The expression to return a list of Quotes.
        The list of Quotes that matches the expression specified.
        QuoteException - The QuoteException is thrown if error information is found in the specified ShowQuoteDataArea. This will represent that there was a problem when performing the operation.