See: Description
Interface | Description |
AdjustShippingChargesCmd |
This order task command is used to process the shipping adjustment objects according to the given processFlag.
ApplyCalculationUsageCmd |
Given a calculation usage and a list of items, this command will "apply" the
calculation usage to the items.
ApplyShippingCmd |
This order task command is used to give a list of items.
CalculationCmd |
This is the base interface that commands registered as calculation methods must
CalculationCodeApplyCmd |
Sets a calculation code, a list of items and a corresponding list of values.
CalculationCodeCalculateCmd |
Given a calculation code and a list of items, this command will calculate the
value of the calculation code for each item.
CalculationCodeCombineCmd |
Given a calculation usage and a list of items, this command will determine the
calculation codes that are attached to the items.
CalculationCodeQualifyCmd |
Given a calculation code and a list of items, this command will determine the
items that are qualified for the calculation code.
CalculationConstants |
This interface defines various constants used by the Calculation Framework.
CalculationConstants.DefaultDiscountCalculationMethodIds |
Default calculationMethodIds for discount.
CalculationConstants.DefaultSalesTaxCalculationMethodIds |
Default calculationMethodIds for sales tax.
CalculationConstants.DefaultShippingCalculationMethodIds |
Default calculationMethodIds for shipping.
CalculationConstants.DefaultShippingTaxCalculationMethodIds |
Default calculationMethodIds for shipping tax.
CalculationRangeCmd |
Sets a calculation range, a calculation range lookup result, a lookup number and
a base monetary value.
CalculationRuleCalculateCmd |
Given a calculation rule and a list of items, this command will calculate the
value of the calculation rule for each item.
CalculationRuleCombineCmd |
Sets a calculation code and a list of items first.
CalculationRuleQualifyCmd |
Given a calculation rule and a list of items, commands that extend this interface
will determine the items that are qualified for the calculation rule.
CalculationScaleLookupCmd |
Set a calculation scale and a list of items first.
ContractShippingAdjustmentCalculationCodeCalculateCmd |
This order task command is used to calculate the Contract defined shipping charge adjustment,
the default CalculationCodeCalculate method for calcode_id=-14.
DiscountCalculationCodeApplyCmd |
This is the discount specific version of the
CalculationCodeApply command. |
DiscountCalculationCodeCombineCmd |
Given a calculation usage and a list of items, this command will determine the
discount calculation codes that are attached to the items.
DiscountCalculationRuleQualifyCmd |
This command is given a calculation rule and a list of items.
FinalizeCalculationUsageCmd |
Sets a calculation usage, an order and its orderitems.
FixedAmountCalculationRangeCmd |
Sets a calculation range, a calculation range lookup result, a lookup number and
a base monetary value.
GetOrderLevelParameterCmd |
Returns the order level attachment parameter of a particular order.
InitializeAdjustmentCmd |
This is the discount specific version of the
InitializeCalculationUsage command. |
InitializeCalculationUsageCmd |
This command is called by OrderPrepare/PrepareOrder to initialize a calculation usage.
InitializeSalesTaxCmd |
This is the sales tax specific version of the InitializeCalculationUsage command.
InitializeShippingCmd |
This is the shipping specific version of the InitializeCalculationUsage command.
InitializeShippingTaxCmd |
This is the shipping tax specific version of the InitializeCalculationUsage command.
NetPriceCalculationScaleLookupCmd |
This version of the
command is intended for calculation scales that are based on net price. |
NetPriceWithQuantityAsResultMultiplierCalculationScaleLookupCmd |
This version of the
command is intended for calculation scales that are based on net price. |
NetShippingCalculationScaleLookupCmd |
This version of the
command is intended for calculation scales that are based on net shipping
charge. |
NonDiscountedPriceCalculationScaleLookupCmd |
This version of the
command is intended for calculation scales that are based on non-discounted
price. |
PercentageCalculationRangeCmd |
This version of the
CalculationRange command
returns the calculation range lookup result multiplied by the base monetary
value then divided by 100. |
PerUnitAmountCalculationRangeCmd |
This version of the
CalculationRange command
returns the calculation range lookup result multiplied by the lookup number. |
QuantityCalculationScaleLookupCmd |
This version of the
command is intended for calculation scales that are based on quantity. |
QuantitySpreadByNetPriceCalculationScaleLookupCmd |
This version of the
command is intended for calculation scales that are based on quantity. |
ResolveJurisdictionsCmd |
This is the base interface of the following commands:
ResolveShippingJurisdictionsCmd |
This command resolves an address into a list of shipping jurisdictions.
ResolveTaxJurisdictionsCmd |
This command resolves an address into a list of tax jurisdictions.
SalesTaxCalculationCodeApplyCmd |
This is the sales tax specific version of the
CalculationCodeApply command. |
ServiceAdjustShippingChargesCmd |
Interface for the
ServiceAdjustShippingChargesCmd Controller Command that captures a Service Representatives
adjustment value so it may be evaluated during recalculation. |
SetOrderLevelParameterCmd |
Sets the order level attachment parameter of a particular order.
ShipModeShippingAdjustmentCalculationCodeCalculateCmd |
This order task command is used to calculate the TSR shipmode level overriding shipping charge delegation.
ShippingAdjustmentCalculationCodeCombineCmd |
The ShippingAdjustmentCalculationCodeCombineCmd is used to combine the calculation code for Shipping Adjustment calculation usage.
ShippingCalculationCodeApplyCmd |
This is the shipping specific version of the
CalculationCodeApply command. |
ShippingCalculationRuleQualifyCmd |
This is the shipping specific version of the
CalculationRuleQualify command. |
ShippingTaxCalculationCodeApplyCmd |
This is the shipping tax specific version of the
CalculationCodeApply command. |
SummarizeAdjustmentCmd |
This is the discount specific version of the
SummarizeCalculationUsage command. |
SummarizeCalculationUsageCmd |
This command is called by OrderPrepare/PrepareOrder to summarize a
calculation usage.
SummarizeSalesTaxCmd |
This is the sales tax specific version of the
SummarizeCalculationUsage command. |
SummarizeShippingCmd |
This is the shipping specific version of the
SummarizeCalculationUsage command. |
SummarizeShippingTaxCmd |
This is the shipping tax specific version of the
SummarizeCalculationUsage command. |
TaxableNetPriceCalculationScaleLookupCmd |
This version of the
command is intended for calculation scales that are based on taxable net
price. |
TaxableNetPricePlusNetShippingCalculationScaleLookupCmd |
This version of the
command is intended for calculation scales that are based on taxable net
price plus net shipping charge. |
TaxableNetPriceTaxOnTaxCalculationScaleLookupCmd |
The command calculates the following values:
TaxableUnitPriceCalculationScaleLookupCmd |
This version of the
command is intended for calculation scales that are based on taxable unit
price. |
TaxableUnitPricePlusUnitShippingCalculationScaleLookupCmd |
This version of the
command is intended for calculation scales that are based on taxable unit
price plus unit shipping charge. |
TaxCalculationCodeCombineCmd |
This is the sales tax and shipping tax specific version of the
CalculationCodeCombine command. |
TaxCalculationRuleQualifyCmd |
This is the sales tax and shipping tax specific version of the
CalculationRuleQualify command. |
UnitPriceCalculationScaleLookupCmd |
This version of the
command is intended for calculation scales that are based on unit price. |
UnitShippingCalculationScaleLookupCmd |
This version of the
command is intended for calculation scales that are based on unit shipping
charge. |
VATCalculationRuleCombineCmd |
This command is used to calculate sales tax and shipping tax when VAT(Value-Added-Tax)
feature is enabled.
WeightCalculationScaleLookupCmd |
This version of the
command is intended for calculation scales that are based on physical
weight. |
WeightSpreadByNetPriceCalculationScaleLookupCmd |
This version of the
command is intended for calculation scales that are based on physical
weight. |
Class | Description |
AdjustShippingChargesCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
AdjustShippingChargesCmd task command. |
ApplyCalculationUsageCmdImpl |
The default implementation of
ApplyCalculationUsageCmd . |
ApplyShippingChargeByCarrierCmdImpl |
This is an implementation of
ApplyCalculationUsageCmd for the bootstrap business
policy "ShippingChargeByCarrier". |
ApplyShippingCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of
ApplyShippingCmd . |
ApplyStandardShippingChargeBySellerCmdImpl |
This is an implementation of
ApplyCalculationUsageCmd for the bootstrap business
policy |
Cache |
An abstract class for implementing
CalculationCmdImpl |
This is an abstract command implementation that implements the base interface
CalculationCmd . |
CalculationCodeCalculateCmdImpl |
The default implementation of
CalculationCodeCalculateCmd . |
CalculationCodeCombineCmdImpl |
The default implementation of
CalculationCodeCombineCmd . |
CalculationCodeQualifyCmdImpl |
The default implementation of
CalculationCodeQualifyCmd . |
CalculationHelper |
This class defines various helper methods used by the Calculation Framework.
CalculationRegistry |
This registry caches tables referenced by the Calculation Framework.
CalculationRuleCalculateCmdImpl |
The default implementation of
CalculationRuleCalculateCmd . |
CalculationRuleCombineCmdImpl |
The default implementation of
CalculationRuleCombineCmd . |
CodeCache |
This class caches calculation codes by calculation code ID.
CodeComparator |
A comparator class for ordering calculation codes.
CodeDescriptionCache |
This class caches calculation codes descriptions by calculation code ID.
CodeMemberGroupRelationshipCache |
This class caches related member group IDs by calculation code ID.
CodeTaxExemptionCache |
A class that caches exempted tax category IDs by calculation code ID.
ContractShippingAdjustmentCalculationCodeCalculateCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
task command. |
DescendingOrderComparator |
A comparator for ordering objects in descending order.
DirectAttachmentHelper |
A helper class for retrieving and caching direct attachments.
DiscountCalculationCodeApplyCmdImpl |
The default implementation of
DiscountCalculationCodeApplyCmd . |
DiscountCalculationCodeCombineCmdImpl |
The default implementation of
CalculationCodeCombineCmd . |
DiscountCalculationRuleQualifyCmdImpl |
The default implementation of
DiscountCalculationRuleQualifyCmd . |
FixedAmountCalculationRangeCmdImpl |
The default implementation of
FixedAmountCalculationRangeCmd . |
GetOrderLevelParameterCmdImpl |
Reserved for IBM Internal use.
Group |
Each group is composed of:
a calculation code a list of items
an optional list of values for each tax category
GroupKey |
Key class for Group.
IndirectAttachmentCache |
IndirectAttachmentHelper |
The utility class for indirect attachment.
IndirectAttachmentKey |
Key class for IndirectAttachment.
InitializeAdjustmentCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
InitializeAdjustment command. |
InitializeSalesTaxCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
InitializeShippingCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
InitializeShippingTaxCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
Item |
This is an OrderItemAccessBean wrapper.
ItemTaxInfo |
This is a data object to record the order item's tax information.
LookupResultCache |
Caches the CALRLOOKUP table.
MethodCache |
Caches the CALMETHOD table.
MigrationHelper |
Helper class for migration.
NetPriceCalculationScaleLookupCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
NetPriceCalculationScaleLookup command. |
NetPriceWithQuantityAsResultMultiplierCalculationScaleLookupCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
NetPriceWithQuantityAsResultMultiplierCalculationScaleLookup command. |
NetShippingCalculationScaleLookupCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
command. |
NonDiscountedPriceCalculationScaleLookupCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
NonDiscountedPriceCalculationScaleLookup command. |
OrderCodeKey |
Index of the ORDCALCD table.
OrderItemAdjustmentCache |
A class that caches OrderItemAdjustments by OrderItemId.
PercentageCalculationRangeCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
PercentageCalculationRange command. |
PerUnitAmountCalculationRangeCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
PerUnitAmountCalculationRange command. |
QuantityCalculationScaleLookupCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
QuantityCalculationScaleLookup command. |
QuantitySpreadByNetPriceCalculationScaleLookupCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
QuantitySpreadByNetPriceCalculationScaleLookup command. |
RangeCache |
Caches the CALRANGE table.
ResolveJurisdictionsCmdImpl |
This is the base implementation of the following commands:
ResolveShippingJurisdictionsCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
ResolveShippingJurisdictions command. |
ResolveTaxJurisdictionsCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
ResolveTaxJurisdictions command. |
RuleCache |
Caches the CALRULE table.
RuleMemberGroupRelationshipCache |
Caches the CALRULEMGP table.
RuleScaleRelationshipCache |
Caches the CRULESCALE table.
SalesTaxCalculationCodeApplyCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
SalesTaxCalculationCodeApply command. |
ScaleCache |
Caches the CALSCALE table.
ServiceAdjustShippingChargesCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
controller command. |
SetOrderLevelParameterCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
SetOrderLevelParameter command. |
ShipModeShippingAdjustmentCalculationCodeCalculateCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the <
ShippingAdjustmentCalculationCodeCombineCmdImpl |
The default implementation of
ShippingAdjustmentCalculationCodeCombineCmd . |
ShippingCalculationCodeApplyCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
ShippingCalculationCodeApply command. |
ShippingCalculationRuleQualifyCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
ShippingCalculationRuleQualify command. |
ShippingRuleCache |
Caches the SHPJCRULE table.
ShippingRuleKey |
Index of the SHPJCRULE table.
ShippingTaxCalculationCodeApplyCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
ShippingTaxCalculationCodeApply command. |
StoreEntityUsageCache |
Caches the STENCALUSG table.
StoreEntityUsageKey |
Index of the STENCALUSG table.
SubOrderAdjustmentKey |
Index of the SUBORDADJ table.
SummarizeAdjustmentCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
SummarizeAdjustment command. |
SummarizeSalesTaxCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
SummarizeSalesTax command. |
SummarizeShippingCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
SummarizeShipping command. |
SummarizeShippingTaxCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
SummarizeShippingTax command. |
TaxableNetPriceCalculationScaleLookupCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
TaxableNetPriceCalculationScaleLookup command. |
TaxableNetPricePlusNetShippingCalculationScaleLookupCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
TaxableNetPricePlusNetShippingCalculationScaleLookup command. |
TaxableNetPriceTaxOnTaxCalculationScaleLookupCmdImpl |
The command calculates the following values:
TaxableUnitPriceCalculationScaleLookupCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
TaxableUnitPriceCalculationScaleLookup command. |
TaxableUnitPricePlusUnitShippingCalculationScaleLookupCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
TaxableUnitPricePlusUnitShippingCalculationScaleLookup command. |
TaxCalculationCodeApplyCmdImpl |
This is the base implementation of the following commands:
TaxCalculationCodeCombineCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
TaxCalculationCodeCombine command. |
TaxCalculationRuleQualifyCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
TaxCalculationRuleQualify command. |
TaxCategoryIdCache |
Caches the TAXCGRY table.
TaxCategoryIdKey |
Index of the TAXCGRY table.
TaxRuleCache |
Caches the TAXJCRULE table.
TaxRuleKey |
Index of the TAXJCRULE table.
TaxTypeCache |
This class caches TaxTypes by CalculationUsage/TaxType ID.
UnitPriceCalculationScaleLookupCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
UnitPriceCalculationScaleLookup command. |
UnitShippingCalculationScaleLookupCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
command. |
UsageSequenceCache |
Caches the STENCALUSG table.
VATCalculationRuleCombineCmdImpl |
The default implementation of
VATCalculationRuleCombineCmd . |
WeightCalculationScaleLookupCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
WeightCalculationScaleLookup command. |
WeightSpreadByNetPriceCalculationScaleLookupCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
WeightSpreadByNetPriceCalculationScaleLookup command. |