Class MemberGroupException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class MemberGroupException
    extends AbstractBusinessObjectDocumentException
    This exception represents a business error to why the request was not process sucessfully. This exception will include the response information so the call can examine the response. The purpose of the exception is a convient way for the client to be notified if there was an error when processing instead of having to examine the result returned from the MemberGroup facade.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • MemberGroupException

        public MemberGroupException(ChangeStatusType changeStatus,
                                    VerbType verb,
                                    java.util.List membergroups)
        Creates an instance of the MemberGroup exception.
        changeStatus - The error information that is contained in the ChangeStatus element of the respond or acknowledge verb.
        verb - The returning verb.
        membergroups - The list of MemberGroup that is associated with the response.
      • MemberGroupException

        public MemberGroupException(java.util.List clientErrors)
        Creates an instance of the MemberGroup exception.
        clientErrors - The client errors to associate with the exception. These client error represent client side parameter validation that cause the exception.
    • Method Detail

      • getMemberGroup

        public java.util.List getMemberGroup()
        Returns the MemberGroup that is associated with the response of the request.
        The list of MemberGroup found in the response.