Interface OrderItem

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface OrderItem
    extends ExternalEntity
    OrderItem is the interface which represents OrderItem external entity. This interface extends ExternalEntity interface. All the implementations for OrderItem dependency should implement this interface,
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field and Description
      static java.lang.String COPYRIGHT
      IBM copyright notice field.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      java.lang.String getBaseCurrency()
      This method gets the base currency of the order item.
      CatalogEntryKey getCatalogEntry()
      This method gets the key corresponding to CatalogEntry object of the OrderItem.
      java.lang.String getCurrency()
      This method gets the currency of the order item.
      java.lang.String[] getEnteredPromotionCodes()
      This method gets all the promotion codes entered for the order item.
      OrderItemKey getKey()
      This method returns the OrderItemKey of the OrderItem.
      java.math.BigDecimal getPrice()
      This method gets the price of the order item.
      java.math.BigDecimal getQuantity()
      This method gets the quantity of the order item being ordered.
      java.lang.String getShippingCarrier()
      This method returns the name of the carrier which should be used for shipping the order item.
      java.math.BigDecimal getShippingCharge()
      This method returns the shipping charge for the order item.
      java.lang.String getShippingCode()
      This method returns the shipping code of the order item.
      java.math.BigDecimal getShippingTax()
      This method returns the shipping tax for the order item.
      java.math.BigDecimal getStandardPrice()
      This method gets the base price of the order item.
      StoreKey getStore()
      This method gets the store key.
      java.math.BigDecimal getTaxAmount()
      This method returns the total tax to be paid for the order item.
      boolean isDomesticShipping()
      This method returns true if domestic shipping is selected else returns false.
    • Field Detail


        static final java.lang.String COPYRIGHT
        IBM copyright notice field.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getKey

        OrderItemKey getKey()
        This method returns the OrderItemKey of the OrderItem.
        OrderItemKey of the OrderItem
      • getCatalogEntry

        CatalogEntryKey getCatalogEntry()
        This method gets the key corresponding to CatalogEntry object of the OrderItem.
      • getPrice

        java.math.BigDecimal getPrice()
        This method gets the price of the order item.
        BigDecimal price of order item
      • getQuantity

        java.math.BigDecimal getQuantity()
        This method gets the quantity of the order item being ordered.
        BigDecimal quantity of order item
      • getStandardPrice

        java.math.BigDecimal getStandardPrice()
        This method gets the base price of the order item.
        BigDecimal base price of the order item
      • getCurrency

        java.lang.String getCurrency()
        This method gets the currency of the order item.
        The currency of the order item
      • getBaseCurrency

        java.lang.String getBaseCurrency()
        This method gets the base currency of the order item.
        The base currency of the order item
      • getShippingCarrier

        java.lang.String getShippingCarrier()
        This method returns the name of the carrier which should be used for shipping the order item.
        String shipping carrier of the order item
      • getShippingCode

        java.lang.String getShippingCode()
        This method returns the shipping code of the order item.
        String shipping code of the order item
      • isDomesticShipping

        boolean isDomesticShipping()
        This method returns true if domestic shipping is selected else returns false.
        true if domestic shipping is selected; false otherwise.
      • getShippingCharge

        java.math.BigDecimal getShippingCharge()
        This method returns the shipping charge for the order item.
        BigDecimal shipping charge for the order item
      • getShippingTax

        java.math.BigDecimal getShippingTax()
        This method returns the shipping tax for the order item.
        BigDecimal shipping tax for the order item
      • getTaxAmount

        java.math.BigDecimal getTaxAmount()
        This method returns the total tax to be paid for the order item.
        BigDecimal tax amount for the order item
      • getEnteredPromotionCodes

        java.lang.String[] getEnteredPromotionCodes()
        This method gets all the promotion codes entered for the order item.
        String[] list of promotion codes
      • getStore

        StoreKey getStore()
        This method gets the store key.