Interface MarketingCampaignElementTaskCmd

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field and Description
      static java.lang.String COPYRIGHT
      IBM copyright notice field.
      static java.lang.String defaultCommandClassName
      Default implementation class for this command.
      • Fields inherited from interface

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      void forwardTriggersForProcessing()
      This method finds all the users associated with a Trigger element, and forwards the trigger for each user.
      java.util.List getEMarketingSpotDataBeans()
      This method returns to the marketing services the list of EMarketingSpotDataBean objects that contain the information of what to display to the customer in the e-Marketing Spot.
      java.lang.String getMarketingSpotBehavior(java.util.Map elementParameters)
      This method gets the caching behavior for the marketing campaign element and how it should affect the e-Marketing Spot caching behavior.
      java.util.Map getNewElementParameters()
      This method gets the new element parameters that were created in the DMELEMENTNVP table for this element during activation of the activity.
      boolean getReturnValue()
      This method returns the return value set by the task command implementation.
      void returnEMarketingSpotDataBeans()
      This method returns to the marketing services the list of EMarketingSpotDataBean objects that contain the information of what to display to the customer in the e-Marketing Spot.
      void setActivity(Activity activity)
      This method sets the activity business object associated with the element.
      void setElementId(java.lang.Integer elementId)
      This method sets the ID of the element.
      void setElementParameters(java.util.Map parameters)
      This method set the parameters associated with the element.
      void setExperimentTestElements(java.util.List experimentTestElements)
      This method sets the set of experiments and test elements that have been passed along the activity flow.
      void setNewElementParameter(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
      This method sets that a new element parameter has been created in the DMELEMENTNVP table for this element during activation of the activity.
      void setPreviewReport(java.util.List previewReport)
      This method sets the list of information about the activity evaluation on the e-Marketing Spot.
      void setReturnValue(boolean value)
      This method sets the return value of the task command.
      void setTemporarySharedData(java.util.Map temporarySharedData)
      This method sets the map used to store temporary data that can be passed between all the campaign elements when evaluating an e-Marketing Spot.
      void setTriggerParameters(java.util.Map triggerParameters)
      This method sets the trigger parameters.
      void setTriggerParameters(java.lang.String triggerParameters)
      This method sets the trigger parameters.
      java.util.List validateParameters(java.util.Map elementParameters)
      This method validates that all the required name value pairs have been set for the campaign element.
      • Methods inherited from interface

        executeFromCache, getCaller, getEntryInfo, getId, getSharingPolicy, postExecute, preExecute, setCaller, updateCache
      • Methods inherited from interface

        getCommandTarget, getCommandTargetName, hasOutputProperties, performExecute, setCommandTarget, setCommandTargetName, setOutputProperties
      • Methods inherited from interface

        execute, isReadyToCallExecute, reset
      • Methods inherited from interface

    • Field Detail


        static final java.lang.String COPYRIGHT
        IBM copyright notice field.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • defaultCommandClassName

        static final java.lang.String defaultCommandClassName
        Default implementation class for this command.
    • Method Detail

      • setTriggerParameters

        void setTriggerParameters(java.lang.String triggerParameters)
        This method sets the trigger parameters. These are the trigger parameters associated with the current request. It is preferable to use the Map representation of the trigger parameters than the String representation.
        triggerParameters - The trigger parameters from the current request.
      • setTriggerParameters

        void setTriggerParameters(java.util.Map triggerParameters)
        This method sets the trigger parameters. These are the trigger parameters associated with the current request. It is preferable to use the Map representation of the trigger parameters than the String representation. The trigger parameters are available to all campaign elements called in a single e-Marketing Spot evaluation, even if the campaign elements are in different activities. Any data that needs to be passed between elements in an activity evaluation can be set into this map. The trigger parameters should be used to pass data between elements in Dialog Activities.
        triggerParameters - The trigger parameters from the current request.
      • getNewElementParameters

        java.util.Map getNewElementParameters()
        This method gets the new element parameters that were created in the DMELEMENTNVP table for this element during activation of the activity.
        A Map of name-value pairs.
      • setNewElementParameter

        void setNewElementParameter(java.lang.String name,
                                    java.lang.String value)
        This method sets that a new element parameter has been created in the DMELEMENTNVP table for this element during activation of the activity.
        name - The name of the name-value pair.
        value - The value of the name-value pair.
      • setTemporarySharedData

        void setTemporarySharedData(java.util.Map temporarySharedData)
        This method sets the map used to store temporary data that can be passed between all the campaign elements when evaluating an e-Marketing Spot. The cached data currently stores shopping cart and purchase history queries. This avoids multiple queries to the ORDER and ORDERITEM tables to get the same information. As well, this avoids calls to catalog to get the parent categories of the items in an order. The cached data is available to all campaign elements called in a single e-Marketing Spot evaluation, even if the campaign elements are in different activities. Any data that needs to be passed between elements in an activity evaluation can be set into this map.
        temporarySharedData - The map of temporary data to share between campaign elements.
      • setActivity

        void setActivity(Activity activity)
        This method sets the activity business object associated with the element.
        activity - The activity business object associated with the element.
      • setElementId

        void setElementId(java.lang.Integer elementId)
        This method sets the ID of the element.
        elementId - The ID of the element.
      • setElementParameters

        void setElementParameters(java.util.Map parameters)
        This method set the parameters associated with the element. The parameters are from the element template definition along with the data in the DMELEMENTNVP database table.
        parameters - The name value pairs available to the task command implementation.
      • setExperimentTestElements

        void setExperimentTestElements(java.util.List experimentTestElements)
        This method sets the set of experiments and test elements that have been passed along the activity flow.
        experimentTestElements - The set of experiments and test elements that have been passed along the activity flow.
      • getReturnValue

        boolean getReturnValue()
        This method returns the return value set by the task command implementation. For a target element, this means the customer has met or not met the target criteria. For an action, a value of false means the customer should not move past the action in the activity flow.
        This method returns the return value set by the task command implementation.
      • setReturnValue

        void setReturnValue(boolean value)
        This method sets the return value of the task command.
        value - The return value of the task command.
      • returnEMarketingSpotDataBeans

        void returnEMarketingSpotDataBeans()
        This method returns to the marketing services the list of EMarketingSpotDataBean objects that contain the information of what to display to the customer in the e-Marketing Spot. The method addEMarketingSpotDataBean should be called by the campaign element task command with each EMarketingSpotDataBean. This method is no longer used. The marketing services call the method getEMarketingSpotDataBeans.
      • getEMarketingSpotDataBeans

        java.util.List getEMarketingSpotDataBeans()
        This method returns to the marketing services the list of EMarketingSpotDataBean objects that contain the information of what to display to the customer in the e-Marketing Spot. The method addEMarketingSpotDataBean should be called by the campaign element task command with each EMarketingSpotDataBean. The marketing services will call this method to process the data beans that have been set by the task command.
        A list of EMarketingSpotDataBean objects.
      • validateParameters

        java.util.List validateParameters(java.util.Map elementParameters)
        This method validates that all the required name value pairs have been set for the campaign element. This method should be overridden by any implementations that extend this class that wish to have validation of the element when an activity is activated.
        elementParameters - The name value pairs for this element.
        This method returns a list of ApplicationError exceptions that contains any validation errors. The list may be empty or be null.
      • forwardTriggersForProcessing

        void forwardTriggersForProcessing()
        This method finds all the users associated with a Trigger element, and forwards the trigger for each user. This is used for Triggers which are detected once a day, such as Customer Is In Segment, Customer Abandons Shopping Cart, or Customer Celebrates Birthday.
      • setPreviewReport

        void setPreviewReport(java.util.List previewReport)
        This method sets the list of information about the activity evaluation on the e-Marketing Spot.
        previewReport - A list of information about the activity evaluation on the e-Marketing Spot..
      • getMarketingSpotBehavior

        java.lang.String getMarketingSpotBehavior(java.util.Map elementParameters)
        This method gets the caching behavior for the marketing campaign element and how it should affect the e-Marketing Spot caching behavior.
        elementParameters - The name value pairs for this element.
        This method returns a value of 1 if the marketing campaign element is dynamic, and a value of 0 if it is static.