See: Description
Interface | Description |
AEDPCtrlCmd |
This controller command is the base payment rules controller command
interface.The default implementation of this command is
AEDPCtrlCmdImpl . |
AEDPDataBeanCommand |
This command is the base payments rules data bean command interface.
AEDPPaymentTaskCmd |
This Payments task command is the base interface for payments rules task commands.
AEDPStoreTaskCmd |
This command is the base interface for payments rules task commands which are related to Order events.
AEDPTaskCmd |
This command is the base interface for payments rules task commands.
CancelOrderCmd |
This task command is used to reverse all approved atomic payments,cancel the active payment instructions and
EDP order. |
ChangePaymentCurrencyTaskCmd |
This task command is used to change the currency of the payment instructions inside
payment component when the currency of the shopping cart is changed.
CheckOrderEditableTaskCmd |
This task command is used to check if order is editable from payment view.
CheckOrderPaymentAuthorizedCmd |
This task command is used to query the Payment Rule if the total order amount
is approved in payment system.
CheckOrderPaymentDepositedCmd |
This task command is used to query the Payment Rule if the total order amount
is deposited in payment system.
EditCmd |
This task command is used to edit payments.
EDPCompleteOrderActivityHistoryBeanCmd |
The base interface for payments rules payment Instruction and payment activity history
data beans.
EDPDepositableAmountProcessCmd |
The controller command interface to process depositable amounts in the
payments rules subcomponent.
EDPPaymentActivityHistoryBeanCmd |
This data bean command is used to populate the data for the data bean
EDPPaymentActivityHistoryDataBean . |
EDPPaymentInstructionsBeanCmd |
This data bean command is used to populate the data for the data bean
EDPPaymentInstructionsDataBean . |
EDPPaymentMethodsBeanCmd |
This data bean command is used to populate the data for the data bean
EDPPaymentMethodsDataBean . |
EDPPaymentStatusBeanCmd |
This data bean command is used to populate the data for the data bean
EDPPaymentStatusDataBean . |
EDPRefundInstructionsBeanCmd |
This data bean command is used to populate the data for the data bean
EDPRefundInstructionsDataBean . |
EDPRefundMethodsBeanCmd |
This data bean command is used to populate the data for the data bean
EDPRefundMethodsDataBean . |
EDPRefundStatusBeanCmd |
This data bean command is used to populate the data for the data bean
EDPRefundStatusDataBean . |
EDPReleasesBeanCmd |
This data bean command is used to populate the data for the data bean
EDPReleasesDataBean . |
EvaluatePaymentRulesCmd |
This task command is for evaluating the payment rule from the payment rule
FinalizePaymentCmd |
This task command acts as a wrapper for payments rules finalize payment event.
PIAddCmd |
This controller command is used to create a new payment method to an order.
PICopyCmd |
This controller command is used to copy the payment methods from one order to
another order.
PIEditCmd |
This controller command is used to change the details of an existing payment
instruction in an order.
PIRemoveCmd |
This controller command is used to remove one or more existing payment
instructions from an order.
PreparePIsForEditPolicyCmd |
This task command is a business policy command,it is invoked by
EditCmd to "prepare" payment instructions for
editing before passing them to payment rules. |
PrimePaymentCmd |
This task command is used to prepare payments in the payments rules subcomponent.
ProcessPaymentEventCmd |
This task command is used to process payment event.
QueryPIsCmd |
This task command is used to get payment instructions for an order from the payments rules
ReservePaymentCmd |
This task command is used to reserve payments in the payments rules subcomponent.
StoreAndValidatePaymentCmd |
This task command is used to create an empty order/payments container
in payments subcomponent.
SynchronizeOrderWithBackendCmd |
This task command is used to synchronize the order payment information from the payment processing system.
SynchronizeReturnWithBackendCmd |
This task command is used to synchronize the return with the backend return in payment processing system.
TriggerPaymentActionsCmd |
This task command is used to trigger payment actions in the payments subcomponent.
Class | Description |
AEDPCtrlCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
AEDPCtrlCmd , which is an
abstract class and provides the common methods which will be used by the
payment rules controller commands. |
AEDPDataBeanCommandImpl |
This class is the base and abstract class for payments data bean commands.
AEDPPaymentTaskCmdImpl |
This class is the base and abstract class for payment related task commands.
AEDPPIEditCtrlCmdImpl |
This command implementation class is an abstract class that is inherited by
payment instruction edit controller command implementation class, which includes
PIAddCmdImpl ,PIAddVoidCmdImpl ,PICopyCmdImpl ,
PICopyVoidCmdImpl ,PIEditCmdImpl ,PIEditVoidCmdImpl ,
PIRemoveCmdImpl and PIRemoveVoidCmdImpl . |
AEDPStoreTaskCmdImpl |
This class is the base and abstract class for payments rules task commands.
AEDPTaskCmdImpl |
This class is the base and abstract class for event-driven payments task commands.
CancelOrderCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
CancelOrderCmd task command. |
CancelOrderVoidCmdImpl |
This is the void implementation for
CancelOrderCmd task command. |
ChangePaymentCurrencyTaskCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
ChangePaymentCurrencyTaskCmd task command. |
ChangePaymentCurrencyVoidTaskCmdImpl |
This is the void implementation class for
ChangePaymentCurrencyTaskCmd . |
CheckOrderEditableTaskCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
CheckOrderEditableTaskCmd task command. |
CheckOrderEditableVoidTaskCmdImpl |
This class is the void implementation class for the command
CheckOrderEditableTaskCmd that checks if order is editable
from payment view. |
CheckOrderPaymentAuthorizedCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
CheckOrderPaymentAuthorizedCmd task command. |
CheckOrderPaymentAuthorizedVoidCmdImpl |
The void implementation of
CheckOrderPaymentAuthorizedCmd . |
CheckOrderPaymentDepositedCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
CheckOrderPaymentDepositedCmd task command. |
CheckOrderPaymentDepositedVoidCmdImpl |
The void implementation of
CheckOrderPaymentDepositedCmd . |
EditCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
EditCmd task command. |
EditVoidCmdImpl |
This task command should be called when payment instructions are modified.
EDPCompleteOrderActivityHistoryBeanCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of
EDPCompleteOrderActivityHistoryBeanCmd data bean command. |
EDPCompleteOrderActivityHistoryVoidBeanCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of
EDPCompleteOrderActivityHistoryBeanCmd data bean command. |
EDPDepositableAmountProcessCmdImpl |
The default implementation for
EDPDepositableAmountProcessCmd . |
EDPDepositableAmountProcessVoidCmdImpl |
The void implementation for
EDPDepositableAmountProcessCmd . |
EDPPaymentActivityHistoryBeanCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of
EDPPaymentActivityHistoryBeanCmd data bean command. |
EDPPaymentActivityHistoryVoidBeanCmdImpl |
This is the void implementation class for
EDPPaymentActivityHistoryBeanCmd . |
EDPPaymentInstructionsBeanCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of
EDPPaymentInstructionsBeanCmd data bean command. |
EDPPaymentInstructionsVoidBeanCmdImpl |
This is the void implementation of
EDPPaymentInstructionsBeanCmd data bean command. |
EDPPaymentMethodsBeanCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of
EDPPaymentMethodsBeanCmd data bean command. |
EDPPaymentMethodsVoidBeanCmdImpl |
This is the void implementation of
EDPPaymentMethodsBeanCmd data bean command. |
EDPPaymentStatusBeanCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of
EDPPaymentStatusBeanCmd data bean command. |
EDPPaymentStatusVoidBeanCmdImpl |
This is the void implementation of
EDPPaymentStatusBeanCmd data bean command. |
EDPRefundInstructionsBeanCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of
EDPRefundInstructionsBeanCmd data bean command. |
EDPRefundInstructionsVoidBeanCmdImpl |
This is the void implementation of
EDPRefundInstructionsBeanCmd data bean command. |
EDPRefundMethodsBeanCmdImpl |
The default implementation for
EDPRefundMethodsCmdImpl . |
EDPRefundMethodsVoidBeanCmdImpl |
This is the void implementation of
EDPRefundMethodsBeanCmd data bean command. |
EDPRefundStatusBeanCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of
EDPRefundStatusBeanCmd data bean command. |
EDPRefundStatusVoidBeanCmdImpl |
This is the void implementation of
EDPRefundStatusBeanCmd data bean command. |
EDPReleasesBeanCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of
EDPReleasesBeanCmd data bean command. |
EDPReleasesVoidBeanCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of
EDPReleasesBeanCmd data bean command. |
EvaluatePaymentRulesCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
EvaluatePaymentRulesCmd task command. |
EvaluatePaymentRulesVoidCmdImpl |
The void implementation for
EvaluatePaymentRulesCmd . |
FinalizePaymentCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
FinalizePaymentCmd task command. |
FinalizePaymentVoidCmdImpl |
This is the void implementation of the
FinalizePaymentCmd task command. |
PIAddCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
PIAddCmd controller
command. |
PIAddVoidCmdImpl |
This is the void implementation of the
PIAddCmd controller command. |
PICopyCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
PICopyCmd controller
command. |
PICopyVoidCmdImpl |
This is the void implementation of the
PICopyCmd controller command. |
PIEditCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
PICopyCmd controller
command. |
PIEditVoidCmdImpl |
This is the void implementation of the
PIEditCmd controller command. |
PIEditWithMergingProtocolDataCmdImpl |
This is another implementation of the
PIEditCmd controller
command. |
PIRemoveCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
PIRemoveCmd controller
command. |
PIRemoveVoidCmdImpl |
This is the void implementation of the
PIRemoveCmd controller command. |
PrepareLineOfCreditPIsForEditPolicyCmdImpl |
This class extends
PreparePIsForEditPolicyCmdImpl . |
PreparePIsForEditPolicyCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
PreparePIsForEditPolicyCmd task command. |
PrimePaymentCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
PrimePaymentCmd task command. |
PrimePaymentVoidCmdImpl |
This is the void implementation of the
PrimePaymentCmd task command. |
ProcessPaymentEventCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
ProcessPaymentEventCmd task command. |
ProcessPaymentEventVoidCmdImpl |
This is the void implementation of the
ProcessPaymentEventCmd task command. |
QueryPIsCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
QueryPIsCmd task command. |
QueryPIsVoidCmdImpl |
This is the void implementation of the
QueryPIsCmd task command. |
ReservePaymentCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
ReservePaymentCmd task command. |
ReservePaymentVoidCmdImpl |
This is the void implementation of the
ReservePaymentCmd task command. |
StoreAndValidatePaymentCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
StoreAndValidatePaymentCmd task command. |
StoreAndValidatePaymentVoidCmdImpl |
This is the void implementation of the
StoreAndValidatePaymentCmd task command. |
SynchronizeOrderWithBackendCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
SynchronizeOrderWithBackendCmd task command. |
SynchronizeReturnWithBackendCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
SynchronizeReturnWithBackendCmd task command. |
TriggerPaymentActionsCmdImpl |
This is the default implementation of the
TriggerPaymentActionsCmd task command. |
TriggerPaymentActionsVoidCmdImpl |
This is the void implementation of the
TriggerPaymentActionsCmd task command. |