See: Description
Interface | Description |
AttachmentInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the AttachmentDataBean.
AttachmentSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the AttachmentDataBean.
BusinessPolicyInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the BusinessPolicyDataBean.
BusinessPolicySmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the BusinessPolicyDataBean.
ContractDisplayInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the ContractDisplayDataBean.
ContractDisplaySmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the ContractDisplayDataBean.
ContractInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the ContractDataBean.
ContractSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the ContractDataBean.
DisplayCustomizationTCInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the DisplayCustomizationTCDataBean.
DisplayCustomizationTCSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the DisplayCustomizationTCDataBean.
FulfillmentTCInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the FulfillmentTCDataBean.
FulfillmentTCSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the FulfillmentTCDataBean.
InvoiceTCInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the InvoiceTCDataBean.
InvoiceTCSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the InvoiceTCDataBean.
ObligationToBuyTCByAmountInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the ObligationToBuyTCByAmountDataBean.
ObligationToBuyTCByAmountSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the ObligationToBuyTCByAmountDataBean.
OrderApprovalTCInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the OrderApprovalTCDataBean.
OrderApprovalTCSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the OrderApprovalTCDataBean.
OrderTCOrderCommentInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the OrderTCOrderCommentDataBean.
OrderTCOrderCommentSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the OrderTCOrderCommentDataBean.
OrderTCOrderItemPAttributeInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the OrderTCOrderItemPAttributeDataBean.
OrderTCOrderItemPAttributeSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the OrderTCOrderItemPAttributeDataBean.
ParticipantInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the ParticipantDataBean.
ParticipantSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the ParticipantDataBean.
PaymentTCInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the PaymentTCDataBean.
PaymentTCSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the PaymentTCDataBean.
PolicyCommandInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the PolicyCommandDataBean.
PolicyCommandSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the PolicyCommandDataBean.
PolicyDescriptionInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the PolicyDescriptionDataBean.
PolicyDescriptionSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the PolicyDescriptionDataBean.
PolicyTCRelationInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the PolicyTCRelationDataBean.
PolicyTCRelationSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the PolicyTCRelationDataBean.
POTCBlanketInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the POTCBlanketDataBean.
POTCBlanketSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the POTCBlanketDataBean.
POTCIndividualInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the POTCIndividualDataBean.
POTCIndividualSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the POTCIndividualDataBean.
POTCLimitedInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the POTCLimitedDataBean.
POTCLimitedSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the POTCLimitedDataBean.
PriceTCCustomPriceListInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the PriceTCCustomPriceListDataBean.
PriceTCCustomPriceListSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the PriceTCCustomPriceListDataBean.
PriceTCMasterCatalogWithOptionalAdjustmentInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the PriceTCMasterCatalogWithOptionalAdjustmentDataBean.
PriceTCMasterCatalogWithOptionalAdjustmentSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the PriceTCMasterCatalogWithOptionalAdjustmentDataBean.
PriceTCPriceListWithOptionalAdjustmentInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the PriceTCPriceListWithOptionalAdjustmentDataBean.
PriceTCPriceListWithOptionalAdjustmentSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the PriceTCPriceListWithOptionalAdjustmentDataBean.
PriceTCPriceListWithSelectiveAdjustmentInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the PriceTCPriceListWithSelectiveAdjustmentDataBean.
PriceTCPriceListWithSelectiveAdjustmentSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the PriceTCPriceListWithSelectiveAdjustmentDataBean.
ProductSetTCCustomExclusionInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the ProductSetTCCustomExclusionDataBean.
ProductSetTCCustomExclusionSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the ProductSetTCCustomExclusionDataBean.
ProductSetTCCustomInclusionInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the ProductSetTCCustomInclusionDataBean.
ProductSetTCCustomInclusionSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the ProductSetTCCustomInclusionDataBean.
ProductSetTCExclusionInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the ProductSetTCExclusionDataBean.
ProductSetTCExclusionSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the ProductSetTCExclusionDataBean.
ProductSetTCInclusionInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the ProductSetTCInclusionDataBean.
ProductSetTCInclusionSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the ProductSetTCInclusionDataBean.
PurchaseLimitInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the PurchaseLimitDataBean.
PurchaseLimitSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the PurchaseLimitDataBean.
ReferralInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the ReferralDataBean.
ReferralSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the ReferralDataBean.
ReturnTCRefundPaymentMethodInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the ReturnTCRefundPaymentMethodDataBean.
ReturnTCRefundPaymentMethodSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the ReturnTCRefundPaymentMethodDataBean.
ReturnTCReturnChargeInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the ReturnTCReturnChargeDataBean.
ReturnTCReturnChargeSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the ReturnTCReturnChargeDataBean.
RightToBuyTCByAmountInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the RightToBuyTCByAmountDataBean.
RightToBuyTCByAmountSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the RightToBuyTCByAmountDataBean.
ShippingTCShippingChargeInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the ShippingTCShippingChargeDataBean.
ShippingTCShippingChargeSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the ShippingTCShippingChargeDataBean.
ShippingTCShippingModeInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the ShippingTCShippingModeDataBean.
ShippingTCShippingModeSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the ShippingTCShippingModeDataBean.
ShippingTCShipToAddressInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the ShippingTCShipToAddressDataBean.
ShippingTCShipToAddressSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the ShippingTCShipToAddressDataBean.
StoreContractInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the StoreContractDataBean.
StoreContractSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the StoreContractDataBean.
TermConditionDescriptionInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the TermConditionDescriptionDataBean.
TermConditionDescriptionSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the TermConditionDescriptionDataBean.
TermConditionInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the TermConditionDataBean.
TermConditionSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the TermConditionDataBean.
TradingAgreementInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the TradingAgreementDataBean.
TradingAgreementSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the TradingAgreementDataBean.
TradingAttachmentRelationInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the TradingAttachmentRelationDataBean.
TradingAttachmentRelationSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the TradingAttachmentRelationDataBean.
TradingDescriptionInputDataBean |
This interface extends InputDataBean to provide an interface for the TradingDescriptionDataBean.
TradingDescriptionSmartDataBean |
This interface extends SmartDataBean to provide an interface for the TradingDescriptionDataBean.
Class | Description |
AttachmentDataBean |
This data bean represents an attachment object.
BusinessPolicyDataBean |
This data bean represents a business policy object.
ContractDataBean |
This data bean represents a contract object.
ContractDisplayDataBean |
This data bean represents a contract display object.
DisplayCustomizationTCDataBean |
This data bean represents a term and condition object.
ExtendedTermConditionDataBean |
This data bean represents a term and condition object.
FulfillmentTCDataBean |
This data bean represents a term and condition object.
InvoiceTCDataBean |
This data bean represents a term and condition object.
ObligationToBuyTCByAmountDataBean |
This data bean represents a term and condition object.
OrderApprovalTCDataBean |
This data bean represents a term and condition object.
OrderTCOrderCommentDataBean |
This data bean represents a term and condition object.
OrderTCOrderItemPAttributeDataBean |
This data bean represents a term and condition object.
ParticipantDataBean |
This data bean represents a participant object.
PaymentTCDataBean |
This data bean represents a payment term condition object.
PolicyByNameTypeAndStoreDataBean |
This data bean represents a business policy object.
PolicyCommandDataBean |
This data bean represents a policy command object.
PolicyDescriptionDataBean |
This data bean represents a policy description object.
PolicyTCRelationDataBean |
This data bean represents a policy object with specified term and condition.
POTCBlanketDataBean |
This data bean represents a term and condition object.
POTCIndividualDataBean |
This data bean represents a term and condition object.
POTCLimitedDataBean |
This data bean represents a term and condition object.
PriceTCCustomPriceListDataBean |
This data bean represents a term and condition object.
PriceTCPriceListWithOptionalAdjustmentDataBean |
This data bean represents a term and condition object.
PriceTCPriceListWithSelectiveAdjustmentDataBean |
This data bean represents a term and condition object.
ProductSetTCCustomExclusionDataBean |
This data bean represents a term and condition object.
ProductSetTCCustomInclusionDataBean |
This data bean represents a term and condition object.
ProductSetTCExclusionDataBean |
This data bean represents a term and condition object.
ProductSetTCInclusionDataBean |
This data bean represents a term and condition object.
PurchaseLimitDataBean |
This data bean represents an PurchaseLimit object.
ReferralDataBean |
This data bean represents a term and condition object.
ReturnTCRefundPaymentMethodDataBean |
This data bean represents a term and condition object.
ReturnTCReturnChargeDataBean |
This data bean represents a term and condition object.
RightToBuyTCByAmountDataBean |
This data bean represents a term and condition object.
ShippingTCShippingChargeDataBean |
This data bean represents a term and condition object.
ShippingTCShippingModeDataBean |
This data bean represents a term and condition object.
ShippingTCShipToAddressDataBean |
This data bean represents a term and condition object.
StoreContractDataBean |
This data bean represents a store contract object.
TermConditionDataBean |
This data bean represents a term and condition object.
TermConditionDescriptionDataBean |
This data bean represents a term and condition description object.
TradingAgreementDataBean |
This data bean represents a trading agreement object.
TradingAttachmentRelationDataBean |
This data bean represents a trading agreement attachment object.
TradingDescriptionDataBean |
This data bean represents a trading agreement description object.