STORE_ID | INTEGER NOT NULL | Generated unique key. |
STOREGRP_ID | INTEGER NOT NULL | The store group for this store. |
STORECGRY_ID | INTEGER | The store category, if any, for this store. |
LANGUAGE_ID | INTEGER | The default language for information displayed to
customers shopping in the store. For a list of language components,
see the LANGUAGE table. |
FFMCENTER_ID | INTEGER | The default fulfillment center for the
store. |
STATUS | INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 | The status of the store. Valid values are:
- 1
- open
- 0
- closed
- -1
- suspended
STORELEVEL | CHAR (10) | STORELEVEL column is used as a flag to tell if
various features are used in the store. The possible values are MC
and MOBILE comma separated.
- MC
- The store uses store functions in Management Center.
- The store has a mobile presence. Enables mapping of user agent
to device format by using the wc-devices.xml file.
DIRECTORY | VARCHAR (254) | The base name of the directory in which
store-specific Web assets, such as JSP files and property files,
are found. |
OID | CHAR (32) | Reserved for HCL internal use. |
QUOTEGOODFOR | INTEGER DEFAULT 43200 | If this many seconds have passed since an Order
was prepared and the customer has not committed to pay, the prices
and other monetary amounts in the Order may change when
OrderProcess is run. |
FIELD1 | VARCHAR (254) | Customizable. |
FIELD2 | VARCHAR (254) | Customizable. |
ALLOCATIONGOODFOR | INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 43200 | When this many seconds have passed since the
allocations were made, the ReleaseExpiredAllocations scheduler job
can reverse available to promise (ATP) inventory allocations. If 0,
ATP inventory allocation is not used by this store, and the
INVENTORY table is used instead. |
MAXBOOFFSET | INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 7776000 | The maximum number of seconds that an item can be
backordered. If the estimated availability time for a backordered
order item exceeds this many seconds into the future, the
availability date will automatically be set to this many seconds
into the future. Thus, an item cannot be backordered longer than
the interval specified here. |
REJECTEDORDEXPIRY | INTEGER DEFAULT 259200 | Orders with payment in declined state longer than
this many seconds are candidates for cancellation. |
FFMCSELECTIONFLAGS | INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 | Contains bit flags that specify policy used by
the default implementation of GetEligibleFulfillmentCenters
concerning the selection of a fulfillment center for an order item
whose status is:
- 1 = preferCurrent, give preference to the currently assigned
fulfillment center, if any;
- 2 = noChange, do not change the currently assigned fulfillment
center, if any.
BOPMPADFACTOR | INTEGER DEFAULT 0 | If this store calculates order amounts (such as
taxes or shipping charges) differently for different fulfillment
centers, the order amount for a previously submitted order might
change when fulfillment centers are allocated for backordered order
items. This column specifies the percentage amount ("padding
factor") by which the order amount presented to the payments
subsystem can be increased, if necessary. For example, specify 5 to
allow an increase of up to 5 percent. |
RTNFFMCTR_ID | INTEGER | The ID of the fulfillment center that is used as
the default for returning merchandise to the store. |
DEFAULTBOOFFSET | INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 7776000 | When an estimated availability time cannot be
determined for a backordered order item, by default, it will be set
to this many seconds into the future. |
PRICEREFFLAGS | INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 | Contains bit flags that control which trading
agreements and offers are searched when prices are refreshed by the
default implementation of the GetContractunitPrices task command:
- 0 = Default. Use trading agreements and offers referenced by
order items. The task command fails if the trading agreements or
offers cannot be used. The tradingId and offerId are not saved to
the ORDITRD and ORDIOFFER tables.
- 1 = usePreviousOnly. Use trading agreements and offers
referenced by the order items. The task command fails if the
trading agreements or offers cannot be used. The trading ID and
offer ID are saved to the ORDITRD and ORDIOFFER tables.
- 2 = usePreviousOrSearchAgain. Same as usePreviousOnly. If
trading agreements or offers cannot be used, search trading
agreements and offers in the ORDIOFFER and ORDITRD tables.
- 4 = alwaysSearchAgain. Always search for saved trading
agreements and offers in the ORDIOFFER and ORDITRD tables.
- 8 = MergeQtyWithCatentry. Merge quantity of all order items
with the same catentryId within an order to get the best price for
them. The tradingId and offerId are not saved to the ORDITRD and
STORETYPE | CHAR (3) | Indicates one of the following store types. This
indicator is used by a user interface to provide appropriate
functions depending on the store type:
- B2C = Consumer direct
- BBB = Basic B2B
- B2B = B2B
- CHS = Channel hub
- CPS = Catalog asset store
- RHS = Consumer direct reseller store
- BRH = B2B reseller store
- RPS = Consumer direct reseller storefront asset store
- BRP = B2B reseller storefront asset store
- DPS = Distributor asset store
- DPX = Distributor proxy store
- SCP = Supplier hub
- SCS = Supplier catalog asset store
- SPS = Supplier asset store
- SHS = Supplier hosted store
- HCP = Hosting hub
- PBS = Store directory
- MHS = Consumer direct hosted store
- BMH = B2B hosted store
- MPS = Consumer direct hosted storefront asset store
- BMP = B2B hosted storefront asset store.
RMAGOODFOR | INTEGER DEFAULT 86400 | The time period in seconds for which return
merchandise authorization (RMA) calculations are valid. If this
time period elapses before an RMA is completed, charges or credits
and approval will be recalculated. |
AVSACCEPTCODES | VARCHAR (64) | The payments subsystem AVS result codes that the
store considers acceptable:
- 0 = Both street address and postal code match;
- 1 = Street address matches, but postal code does not;
- 2 = Postal code matches, but street address does not;
- 3 = Neither street address nor postal code match;
- 4 = AVS result not available.
0 is always acceptable, regardless of it appears in this
string. All values acceptable for this column are in VARCHAR
format, not necessarily single digit numbers. For example, the
14 means that 0 is acceptable (since 0 is always
acceptable), 1 is acceptable, and 4 is acceptable.
For more details about the payments subsystem AVS codes,
refer to the payments subsystem documentation. |
CRTDBYCNTR_ID | BIGINT | The contract used to create the store. |
LASTUPDATESTATUS | TIMESTAMP | Indicates the last time the status of the store
was updated. |
OPTCOUNTER | SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 | The optimistic concurrency control counter for
the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter
is incremented. |
ALLOCATIONOFFSET | INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 86400 | Amount of time before the requested ship date
when inventory allocation should be performed. This time period
provides a buffer for the store to reserve the inventory to the
order and also allow for enough time to obtain inventory should
there be an insufficient amount. See REQUESTEDSHIPDATE in
MAXFOOFFSET | INTEGER DEFAULT 7776000 | The maximum period of time that can be requested
for a future ship date after the date the requested ship date is
INVENTORYOPFLAG | INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 | Contains bit flags indicating how to perform
inventory operations. A value of 1 indicates that the RECEIPT table
is updated during shipment confirmation. |
BLOCKINGACTIVE | SMALLINT DEFAULT 1 | Specifies whether the order blocking feature is
in use. The order blocking feature can be disabled for this
particular store by setting this field to 0. The default value is
1. |
BLKEXTASYNCH | SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 | Allows the merchant-extensible code for order
blocking to be run asynchronously. This column can be used when a
merchant wants to test for blocking conditions by connecting to
external systems. To enable this feature, this column must be set
to 1. By default, it is turned off (that is, set to 0). |
PERSISTENTSESSION | SMALLINT | - 0 = The rememberMe function is disabled for registered
customers and guest customers. This is the default value.
- 1 = The rememberMe function is enabled for registered customers
- 2 = The rememberMe function is enabled for guest customers
- 3= The rememberMe function is enabled for registered customers
and guest customers.
ORDERHISTACTIVE | CHAR (1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y' | Indicates whether order change history tracking
is enabled. The default value is Y (Yes). |
INVENTORYSYSTEM | SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1 | Indicates which inventory system is used:
- -2 = Non-ATP (Default value)
- -3 = No inventory
- -4 = external inventory management system
- -5 = DOM inventory system
This setting is used by the inventory component to determine
inventory behavior. |
UP_DIRECTORY | VARCHAR (254) | The equivalent value of the DIRECTORY column in
upper case characters. This column is used only for DB2 (LUW)
database-types to enhance performance of text-based searches issued
from Management Center. |