This table holds the SEO page definition overrides defined for a particular catalogEntryID or catGroupID

Column Descriptions:

SEOPAGEDEFOVR_IDBIGINT NOT NULLGenerated unique key for the override of the page description ID.
SEOPAGEDEF_IDBIGINT NOT NULLThe unique ID of the page definition to be overridden.
APPLY_TO_CHILDSMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1Indicates whether the page definition applies to children.
  • 0 - False
  • 1 - True
OBJECTTYPEVARCHAR (64)The type of object which the SEO properties are to be applied to. Valid values include: CatalogGroup, CatalogEntry, or Content.
OBJECT_IDVARCHAR (64)The identifier of the object. This is the primary key to the table containing the object. For example, if the object type is CatalogGroup then the object_id is just the catgroup_id column of the CATGROUP table.
OPTCOUNTERSMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0The optimistic concurrency control counter for the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter is incremented.


NameColumn NamesType

Constrained By Parent Tables:

ConstraintColumnsParent TableParent ColumnsType