This table stores the information of the value
object container Release in Payment Rules.
Column Descriptions:
Name | Type | Description |
EDPRELEASE_ID | BIGINT NOT NULL | unique release in Payment Rules identifier |
EDPORDER_ID | BIGINT | CMR relationship with EDPORDER |
RELEASE_ID | BIGINT NOT NULL | The identifier of the release this EDPRelease
object associates with |
TOTALAMOUNT | DECIMAL (20,5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00000 | total amount of the release |
RESERVATIONAMOUNT | DECIMAL (20,5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00000 | amount of the Release that has been processed
during reservePayment calls |
FINALIZATIONAMOUNT | DECIMAL (20,5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00000 | amount of the Release that has been processed
during finalizePayment calls |
RESERVINGAMOUNT | DECIMAL (20,5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00000 | amount of the Release that is being processed by
reservePayment BG payment thread or is not ready yet due to pending
actions |
FINALIZINGAMOUNT | DECIMAL (20,5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00000 | amount of the Release that is being processed by
finalizePayment BG thread or is not ready yet due to pending
actions |
MARKFORDELETE | INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 | The flag indicates whether this object has been
marked for deletion. 0: not marked for deletion 1: marked for
deletion |
OPTCOUNTER | SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 | The optimistic concurrency control counter for
the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter
is incremented. |
REQUESTFINALAMT | DECIMAL (20,5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00000 | The requested finalization amount. |
FIELD1 | DECIMAL (20,5) | Customizable. |
FIELD2 | DECIMAL (20,5) | Customizable. |
FIELD3 | VARCHAR (254) | Customizable. |
Name | Column Names | Type |
I0000847 | EDPORDER_ID | Non-Unique Index |
Constrained By Parent Tables:
Constraint | Columns | Parent Table | Parent Columns | Type |