This table associates an access control resource with the relationships that it supports. Given a resource, you can find out the possible relationships that it can have and also the table and the columns in which these relationships are stored.

Column Descriptions:

ACRELATION_IDINTEGER NOT NULLThe relationship ID. It is a primary key, and a foreign key to the ACRELATION table.
ACRESCGRY_IDINTEGER NOT NULLThe resource category ID. It is a primary key, and a foreign key to the ACRESCGRY table.
RESRELTABLEVARCHAR (64) NOT NULLThe name of the table that stores the member relationships for a given resource.
RESRELMEMCOLVARCHAR (64) NOT NULLThe column in the relationship table that stores the member ID.
RESRELKEYCOLVARCHAR (64)The column in the relationship table that stores the resource ID.
RESRELCOLVARCHAR (64)The column in the relationship table that stores the resource relationship.
RESJOINCOLVARCHAR (64)The column in the main resource table that can be joined with the RESRELKEYCOL column.
FIELD1VARCHAR (128)This column is customizable.
RESOURCETYPEVARCHAR (64)The column name in the relationship table that stores the resource type for which the relationship applies. This field is used for relationship tables that capture relationships for more than one type of resource. It would be the string "ACRESCGRY_ID" for ACRESMEMRL table.
OPTCOUNTERSMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0The optimistic concurrency control counter for the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter is incremented.


NameColumn NamesType
I0000448ACRESCGRY_IDNon-Unique Index

Constrained By Parent Tables:

ConstraintColumnsParent TableParent ColumnsType