Change Member Group - Address
Use this page to change the address requirements for inclusion in the member group.
- City
- Select one of the following options:
- Ignore city of residence
- Select this option to include all customers independent of their city of residence.
- Customer resides in one of the cities specified below
- Select this option to include only customers that live in specific cities in the member group.
- Customer does not reside in any of the cities specified below
- Select this option to include only customers that do not live in specified cities in the member group.
- Specify one or more cities
- Use this field to specify the cities for comparison with the option selected. Add one city at a time, and click Add to add the city to the Specified cities list below. Cities appear one per line.
- Specified cities
- The list of cities specified for this member group. You can select a city from the list, and click Delete to remove a city from the list for this member group.
- State or province
- Select one of the following options:
- Ignore state or province of residence
- Select this option to include all customers independent of their state or province of residence.
- Customer resides in one of the states or provinces specified below
- Select this option to include only customers that live in specific states or provinces.
- Customer does not reside in any of the states or provinces specified below
- Select this option to include only customers that do not live in specific states or provinces.
- Selected states or provinces
- Lists the states or provinces of residence selected for inclusion in the member group.
- Available states or provinces
- Lists the states or provinces of residence available for inclusion in the member group.
- Country or region
- Select one of the following options:
- Ignore country or region of residence
- Select this option to include all customers independent of their country or region of residence.
- Customer resides in one of the countries or regions specified below
- Select this option to include only customers that live in specific countries or regions.
- Customer does not reside in any of the countries or regions specified below
- Select this option to include only customers that do not live in specific countries or regions.
- Selected countries or regions
- Lists the countries or regions selected for inclusion in the member group.
- Available countries or regions
- Lists the countries or regions available for inclusion in the member group.
- ZIP or postal code
- Select one of the following options:
- Ignore ZIP code or postal code
- Select this option to include all customers independent of their ZIP or postal code
- ZIP code or postal code must start with one of the values specified below
- Select this option to include only customers that have specific ZIP codes or postal codes.
- ZIP code or postal code must not start with one of the values specified below
- Select this option to include only customers that do not have specific ZIP codes or postal codes.
- Specify one or more ZIP code or postal code prefixes
- Use this field to specify the ZIP code or postal code prefixes for comparison with the option selected. Add one ZIP code or postal code prefix at a time, and click Add to add the prefix to the Specified ZIP code or postal code prefixes list below. Prefixes appear one per line.
- Specified ZIP codes or postal codes
- The list of ZIP code or postal code prefixes specified for this member group. You can select a ZIP code or postal code prefix from the list, and click Delete to remove a ZIP code or postal code prefix from the list for this member group.
- Phone number
- Select one of the following options:
- Ignore phone number
- Select this option to include all customers independent of their phone number.
- Phone number must start with one of the values specified below
- Select this option to include only customers that have specific phone number prefixes.
- Phone number must not start with any of the values specified below
- Select this option to include only customers that do not have specific phone number prefixes.
- Specify one or more phone number prefixes
- Use this field to specify the phone number prefixes for comparison with the option selected. Add one phone number prefix at a time, and click Add to add the phone number prefix to the Specified phone number prefixes list below. Prefixes appear one per line.
- Specified phone number prefixes
- The list of phone number prefixes specified for this member group. You can select a phone number prefix from the list, and click Delete to remove a phone number prefix from the list for this member group.
- Select one of the following options:
- Ignore E-mail address
- Select this option to include all customers independent of their e-mail address domains.
- E-mail address domain must match one of the values specified below
- Select this option to include only customers that have specific e-mail address domains.
- E-mail address domain must not match any of the values specified below
- Select this option to include only customers that do not have specific e-mail address domains.
- Specify one or more E-mail domains
- Use this field to specify the e-mail domains for comparison with the option selected. Add one e-mail domain at a time, and click Add to add the e-mail domain to the Specified E-mail domains list below. Domains appear one per line.
- Specified E-mail domains
- The list of e-mail domains specified for this member group. You can select an e-mail domain from the list, and click Delete to remove an e-mail domain from the list for this member group.