Store Creation - Confirmation
This page displays upon clicking Finish on the Store Creation Summary page of the Store Creation wizard. As the store is being created, a progress indicator displays on this page. Upon successful creation of the store, a status message displays indicating that the store has been created and this page shows you how to view the new store and what tool to use to manage the store.
- Bookmark Store
- Click this button to save the URL of the store's home page to your browser.
- Launch HCL Commerce Accelerator
- Click this button to launch HCL Commerce Accelerator, which you can use to manage your store. HCL Commerce Accelerator provides a variety of wizards, notebooks, dialogs, and lists which you can access using various menus. Use the functions within the HCL Commerce Accelerator to customize and maintain your store.
- Launch Store
- Click this button to view the store's home page.