This table stores address information for a gift registry and wish list.

Column Descriptions:

ADDRESS_IDBIGINT NOT NULLPrimary key for the address.
LASTNAMEVARCHAR (128)The last name of the person owning the address.
FIRSTNAMEVARCHAR (128)The first name of the person owning the address.
MIDDLENAMEVARCHAR (128)The middle name of the person owning the address.
ADDRESS1VARCHAR (128)Street address line 1 for the address.
ADDRESS2VARCHAR (64)Street address line 2 for the address.
ADDRESS3VARCHAR (50)Street address line 3 for the address.
CITYVARCHAR (128)The city for the address.
STATEVARCHAR (128)The state or province for the address.
COUNTRYVARCHAR (128)The country for the address.
ZIPCODEVARCHAR (40)The ZIP or postal code for the address.
EMAIL1VARCHAR (254)The primary e-mail address.
EMAIL2VARCHAR (254)The secondary e-mail address.
TITLEVARCHAR (50)The title of the person.
PHONE1VARCHAR (32)The primary phone number for the person.
PHONE2VARCHAR (32)The secondary phone number for the person.
PHONE3VARCHAR (32)A third phone number for the person.
SUFFIXVARCHAR (50)The suffix of a name (for example, "Senior" as in "John Smith Senior".
FAXVARCHAR (32)The fax number for the person.
FIELD3VARCHAR (64)Customizable.
FIELD4VARCHAR (64)Customizable.
FIELD5VARCHAR (64)Customizable.
SEARCHKEYLASTNAMEVARCHAR (128)This column holds the generated search key value for last name. By default for english names the SOUNDEX value is generated and stored in this column and the column value is used for similar search scenario.
SEARCHKEYFIRSTNAMEVARCHAR (128)This column holds the generated search key value for first name. By default for english names the SOUNDEX value is generated and stored in this column and the column value is used for similar search scenario.
OPTCOUNTERSMALLINTThe optimistic concurrency control counter for the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter is incremented.
UP_FIRSTNAMEVARCHAR (128)The equivalent value of the FIRSTNAME column in upper case characters. This column is used only for DB2 (LUW) database-types to enhance performance of text-based searches issued from Management Center.
UP_LASTNAMEVARCHAR (128)The equivalent value of the LASTNAME column in upper case characters. This column is used only for DB2 (LUW) database-types to enhance performance of text-based searches issued from Management Center.


NameColumn NamesType
IPF00028UP_FIRSTNAMENon-Unique Index
IPF00029UP_LASTNAMENon-Unique Index

Referenced By Child Tables:

ConstraintColumnsChild TableChild ColumnsType