A row in this table represents a CalculationScale. It can be used to perform a scale lookup to calculate a monetary amount for a given set of OrderItems. CalculationScale defines what the charge is based on when calculating different kinds of charges. For example, the shipping charge can be charged by total price, weight, quantity, etc. CalculationScale can be associated with the CalculationRule through table CRULESCALE.

Column Descriptions:

CALSCALE_IDINTEGER NOT NULLGenerated unique identifier.
QTYUNIT_IDCHAR (16)If specified, the unit of measure for the rangeStart values of the CalculationRange objects for this CalculationScale. The CalculationScaleLookupMethod should return a "lookup number" in these units.
CODECHAR (30)A character string that uniquely identifies this CalculationScale, given a particular CalculationUsage and StoreEntity.
DESCRIPTIONVARCHAR (254)A brief description of this CalculationScale, suitable for display by a user interface. The user interface allows creators of CalculationRules to choose from a list of available CalculationScales.
STOREENT_IDINTEGER NOT NULLThe CalculationScale is part of this StoreEntity.
CALUSAGE_IDINTEGER NOT NULLIndicates the kind of calculation this CalculationScale is used for. For example, the CalculationScale may be used to calculate one of the following monetary amounts: discounts, shipping charges, sales tax, or shipping tax.
SETCCURRCHAR (3)If specified, the currency for the rangeStart values of the CalculationRange objects for this CalculationScale. The CalculationScaleLookupMethod should return a "lookup number" in this currency. This is a currency code as per ISO 4217 standards.
CALMETHOD_IDINTEGER NOT NULLThe CalculationScaleLookupMethod that given a set of OrderItems determines a "lookup number", a "base monetary value", a "result multiplier", and a set of mathematical weights that can be used by the CalculationScale to calculate a monetary amount.
FIELD1VARCHAR (254)Customizable.
OPTCOUNTERSMALLINTThe optimistic concurrency control counter for the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter is incremented.


NameColumn NamesType
I0000508CALMETHOD_IDNon-Unique Index
I0000509STOREENT_IDNon-Unique Index

Constrained By Parent Tables:

ConstraintColumnsParent TableParent ColumnsType

Referenced By Child Tables:

ConstraintColumnsChild TableChild ColumnsType