Class | Description |
SolrSearchBasedMerchandisingExpressionProvider |
This is a Solr-specific implementation of the search-based merchandising
expression provider.
SolrSearchByCatalogExpressionProvider |
This is a Solr specific implementation of the search expression provider for
handling the search by category request.
SolrSearchByCatalogFilterExpressionProvider |
This is a Solr specific implementation of the search expression provider for
handling the search by category request.
SolrSearchByCategoryExpressionProvider |
This is a Solr specific implementation of the search expression provider for
handling the search by category request.
SolrSearchByCustomExpressionProvider |
This is a Solr specific implementation of the search expression provider for
handling the search by custom expression - , and . |
SolrSearchByFacetExpressionProvider |
This is a Solr specific implementation of the search expression provider for
handling the search by facet request.
SolrSearchByKeywordExpressionProvider |
This is a Solr specific implementation of the search expression provider for
handling the search by keyword request.
SolrSearchByKeywordRelevancyExpressionProvider |
This is a Solr specific implementation of the search expression provider for
handling the search by keyword request using dismax query parser.
SolrSearchByManufacturerExpressionProvider |
This is a Solr specific implementation of the search expression provider for
handling the search by brand name request.
SolrSearchByPriceExpressionProvider |
This is a Solr specific implementation of the search expression provider for
handling the search by price range request.
SolrSearchByPublishedEntryOnlyExpressionProvider |
This is a Solr specific implementation of the search expression provider for
restricting search results to only published entries.
SolrSearchByStorePathExpressionProvider |
This is a Solr specific implementation of the search expression provider for
handling store path.
SolrSearchCategoryEntitlementExpressionProvider |
This is a Solr specific implementation of the search expression provider for
product entitlement.
SolrSearchFacetConditionExpressionProvider |
This is a Solr specific implementation of the search expression provider for
handling dynamic facets.
SolrSearchIndexSynchronizer | Deprecated
This plug-in provides a search index synchronization point.
SolrSearchNoSearchResultsExpressionProvider |
This is a Solr specific implementation of the search expression provider for
handling the search by keyword request.
SolrSearchPreviewOnlyIndexSynchronizer | Deprecated
This plug-in provides a search index synchronization point.
SolrSearchProductEntitlementExpressionProvider |
This is a Solr specific implementation of the search expression provider for
product entitlement.
SolrSearchSequencingExpressionProvider |
This is a Solr specific implementation of the search expression provider for
handling the product and category sequencing during catalog navigation.
SolrSearchTermAssociationExpressionProvider |
This is a Solr specific implementation of the search expression provider for
expanding the search term into its synonyms using the search term association
data in WebSphere Commerce database instead of using the Solr
SynonymFactory . |
SolrSearchTypeExpressionProvider |
This is a Solr specific implementation of the search expression provider for
creating the necessary sub-expression for each search type, such as ANY with
SolrSearchWebContentStoreInfoExpressionProvider |
This is a Solr specific implementation of the search expression provider for
creating a mandatory search condition for searching unstructured content,
along with a store path if applies.