Opening WebSphere Commerce Accelerator
Use the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator allows to maintain online stores, hubs, and catalogs by completing various store operations, from managing the presentation of your store to creating and maintaining orders to tracking store activities.
Before you begin
On the workstation where you are using WebSphere Commerce
Accelerator, set up the display:
- Set the screen area to a minimum of 1024 x 768 pixels.
- Set the color depth to a minimum of 256 colors.
Also, disable or remove any pop-up blocking software. Pop-up blocking software prevents the display of WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.
To open WebSphere Commerce Accelerator:
About this task
- Do not reload a page or return back to a previous page while using the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator. That is, do not use the refresh shortcut (F5) or right-click and select the Refresh or Back options for the browser while using the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator. If you reload a window after you have entered some data, the data will be lost.
- Once you have completed your WebSphere Commerce Accelerator tasks, you should log out of the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator so that the session expires, rather than simply closing the browser. To log out, click Logout from the history (upper left corner of the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator). When you log out, your SSL cookie is dropped and you no longer have secure access to the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator. This is especially important if the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator will be used by multiple users on a single workstation with different authorities since logging out prevents unauthorized access.