WebSphere Commerce EnterpriseFeature Pack 4Feature Pack 3WebSphere Commerce Professional

Dynamic kit configuration with Sterling Configurator

The Sterling Configurator integration for WebSphere Commerce enables a WebSphere Commerce site to sell complex configurable products (dynamic kits).

In WebSphere Commerce, a dynamic kit is a group of products that are ordered as a unit and are fulfilled together. The information about the products that are contained in a dynamic kit is controlled by Configurator and supplied when the shopper places an order. The shopper moves through a series of selections to configure the product to their specific needs.

The following diagram illustrates a store page where the configurable content (dynamic kit) is served from Configurator.
Diagram showing store page that is connected to Sterling Configurator.
Product Managers use the Catalogs tool to create and manage models and define preconfigured kits. A preconfigured kit is a kit that a shopper can purchase without additional configuration, for example a specific computer configuration. In the Catalogs tool, the Product Manager can open Sterling Configurator Visual Modeler and Configurator to manage models and preconfigurations. The Product Manager can specify a preconfiguration (a shopper can add a preconfigured dynamic kit to the shopping cart without reselecting options on the storefront).
Diagram showing Management Center integration with Sterling Configurator Visual Modeler and Configurator

Sterling Configurator Visual Modeler displays the WebSphere Commerce catalog, which the Product Manager can browse and search. The Product Manager can add option items (WebSphere Commerce SKUs) to the model. No other catalog entry types can be added to the model.

Using the Configurator integration, the system of record is WebSphere Commerce. The only data that is stored outside of WebSphere Commerce is the models. All other required data such as product information, price, entitlements, and preconfiguration information is stored in WebSphere Commerce.

Dynamic kit configuration integration features

Sterling Configurator integration is available for both WebSphere Commerce Professional and WebSphere Commerce Enterprise editions.

Dynamic kit configuration with Sterling Configurator offers the following benefits:
  • WebSphere Commerce EnterpriseAccount managers can set contract pricing on dynamic kits so that customers can see a negotiated price.
  • Product Managers can create configurable products so that customers can configure their own products.
  • Shoppers can configure products to build a customized product from the available choices.

Dynamic kit integration with Sterling Configurator is delivered as a feature in WebSphere Commerce Feature Pack 3. The integration provides sample dynamic kits along with preconfigured kits. The sample data is available in the Housewares sample catalog. Sterling Configurator does not support mobile devices. The integration is also not available with the Brazil or China starter store.

Supported browsers

For information about supported browsers, see WebSphere Commerce Version 7 software requirements . The configuration page is served by Sterling Configuration, which supports different browsers, see Install IBM Selling and Fulfillment Suite V9.1.


Starter stores, including all store enhancements, follows the IBM accessibility guidelines to implement accessibility features, helping users who have a physical disability. People with physical disabilities, such as a visual impairment, hearing impairment, or limited mobility, can successfully use the store.

Sterling Configurator Visual Modeler is not accessible, see Install IBM Selling and Fulfillment Suite V9.1.

Sterling Configurator is not accessible, see Install IBM Selling and Fulfillment Suite V9.1.


When you use the dynamic kit integration, WebSphere Commerce is the system of record for all prices. When a shopper configures a dynamic kit, the kit component prices that are shown to the shopper include price rules and contracts for components. However, the Configuration page does not display:
  • Price adjustments on the dynamic kit itself created with price rules
  • Price adjustments that are created with promotions
The Configuration page displays a message that indicates that there might be price adjustments. The shopping cart page displays the total price, including any price rules or promotions.
The following table describes lists possible pricing scenarios.
Pricing in the storefront
Price adjustment that is displayed on Configurator page Price adjustment that is displayed on shopping cart page
Price rule on dynamic kit branch

For example, 10% markdown on all dynamic kits.

No Yes
Price rule on component that is contained within a dynamic kit

For example, 10% markdown on all processors.

Yes Yes
Promotion discount on dynamic kit

For example, 10% markdown on all dynamic kits.

No Yes
WebSphere Commerce Accelerator catalog filter on dynamic kit No Yes
WebSphere Commerce Accelerator catalog filter on component Yes Yes
Contract pricing on dynamic kit No Yes
Contract pricing on dynamic kit components Yes Yes

Integration overview

  • The Sterling Configuration XML file is generated when a user compiles a model in Sterling Configurator Visual Modeler. The model is stored in a WebSphere Commerce database table CATCONFINF, with column with type CLOB(1000000) to store the preconfiguration XML file that is generated by the Sterling Configurator.

The following table demonstrates the mapping of bundle and kit concepts between WebSphere Commerce and Sterling Configurator:

WebSphere Commerce name Sterling Configurator name Description
N/A Bundle Sterling Configurator bundle can be priced on both bundle and component level. WebSphere Commerce bundle can be priced on the component level. There is no WebSphere Commerce equivalent for the bundle level.
Prebuilt Kit Physical Kit A Physical Kit group of items are priced and tracked in inventory at the parent item level. For example, for a bouquet of flowers that has 10 roses and 8 lilies. The roses and lilies are defined as the child items, and the bouquet that is sold to the customer is the parent item. The bouquet information is tracked, not the components.
Dynamic Kit Pre-Configured Bundle A Bundle (a group of items), is defined with the product configurator, and is associated to a model. A pre-configuration (a base bundle), is defined up front by the catalog administrator. The definition can be modified with the product configurator.