Get order detail by order ID
The following example shows how to get order detail by order ID.
GET /wcs/resources/store/10101/order/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"adjustment": [
"amount": "-50.00000",
"description": "Save 20% on Furniture!"
"amount": "-27.12000",
"description": "Save 10% on all orders"
"amount": "-3.75000",
"description": "Save 5% on all girls dresses and skirts"
"amount": "-5.89000",
"description": "Flat $5 US-Regular shipping!"
"buyerId": "9291",
"grandTotal": "258.07000",
"orderId": "24292",
"orderItem": [
"UOM": "C62",
"addressId": "22604",
"addressLine": [
"111 main st.",
"Suite 111",
"adjustment": [
"amount": "-2.85000",
"description": "Save 10% on all orders"
"amount": "-1.50000",
"description": "Save 5% on all girls dresses and skirts"
"amount": "-1.96000",
"description": "Flat $5 US-Regular shipping!"
"carrier": "XYZ Carrier",
"city": "RTP",
"contractId": "10008",
"country": "United States",
"email1": "",
"email2": "",
"firstName": "testuser1313086305656",
"lastName": "Test",
"nickName": "jsmith",
"orderItemId": "85746",
"orderItemStatus": "M",
"partNumber": "MW-0018-E203",
"phone1": "919-111-1111",
"phone2": "919-222-2222",
"productId": "10793",
"quantity": "2.0",
"shipModeCode": "US Regular Delivery",
"shippingModeDescription": "US - Regular Delivery",
"shippingModeId": "10151",
"state": "North Carolina",
"unitPrice": "14.99000",
"zipCode": "27560"
"UOM": "C62",
"addressId": "22604",
"addressLine": [
"111 main st.",
"Suite 111",
"adjustment": [
"amount": "-4.27000",
"description": "Save 10% on all orders"
"amount": "-2.25000",
"description": "Save 5% on all girls dresses and skirts"
"amount": "-2.94000",
"description": "Flat $5 US-Regular shipping!"
"carrier": "XYZ Carrier",
"city": "RTP",
"contractId": "10008",
"country": "United States",
"email1": "",
"email2": "",
"firstName": "testuser1313086305656",
"lastName": "Test",
"nickName": "jsmith",
"orderItemId": "85747",
"orderItemStatus": "M",
"partNumber": "MW-0018-E204",
"phone1": "919-111-1111",
"phone2": "919-222-2222",
"productId": "10823",
"quantity": "3.0",
"shipModeCode": "US Regular Delivery",
"shippingModeDescription": "US - Regular Delivery",
"shippingModeId": "10151",
"state": "North Carolina",
"unitPrice": "14.99000",
"zipCode": "27560"
"UOM": "C62",
"addressId": "22604",
"addressLine": [
"111 main st.",
"Suite 111",
"adjustment": [
"amount": "-50.00000",
"description": "Save 20% on Furniture!"
"amount": "-20.00000",
"description": "Save 10% on all orders"
"amount": "-0.99000",
"description": "Flat $5 US-Regular shipping!"
"carrier": "XYZ Carrier",
"city": "RTP",
"contractId": "10008",
"country": "United States",
"email1": "",
"email2": "",
"firstName": "testuser1313086305656",
"lastName": "Test",
"nickName": "jsmith",
"orderItemId": "85748",
"orderItemStatus": "B",
"partNumber": "FUOF-0101",
"phone1": "919-111-1111",
"phone2": "919-222-2222",
"productId": "10260",
"quantity": "1.0",
"shipModeCode": "US Regular Delivery",
"shippingModeDescription": "US - Regular Delivery",
"shippingModeId": "10151",
"state": "North Carolina",
"unitPrice": "249.99000",
"zipCode": "27560"
"orderStatus": "B",
"paymentInstruction": [
"addressId": "22604",
"addressLine": [
"111 main st.",
"Suite 111",
"amount": "244.07000",
"city": "RTP",
"country": "United States",
"piDescription": "VISA Credit Card",
"email1": "",
"email2": "",
"firstName": "testuser1313086305656",
"lastName": "Test",
"middleName": "",
"nickName": "jsmith",
"piId": "17622",
"payMethodId": "VISA",
"phone1": "919-111-1111",
"phone2": "919-222-2222",
"protocolData": [
"name": "expire_month",
"value": "12"
"name": "billto_stateprovince",
"value": "North Carolina"
"name": "cc_brand",
"value": "VISA"
"name": "billto_city",
"value": "RTP"
"name": "billing_address_id",
"value": "22604"
"name": "account",
"value": "***********11111"
"name": "billto_zipcode",
"value": "27560"
"name": "billto_country",
"value": "United States"
"name": "billto_address1",
"value": "111 main st."
"name": "payment_method",
"value": "VISA"
"name": "expire_year",
"value": "2021"
"name": "billto_firstname",
"value": "testuser1313086305656"
"name": "billto_lastname",
"value": "Test"
"state": "North Carolina",
"piStatus": "Success",
"zipCode": "27560"
"resourceId": "https:\/\/\/wcs\/resources\/store\/10101\/order\/24292",
"resourceName": "order",
"totalAdjustment": "-86.76000",
"totalProductPrice": "324.94000",
"totalSalesTax": "9.00000",
"totalShippingCharge": "0.00000",
"totalShippingTax": "0.00000"