MEMBER_ID | BIGINT NOT NULL | Identifier of the member who owns this RFQ. |
RFQ_ID | BIGINT NOT NULL | The internal reference number of the RFQ. |
ACCESSTYPE | INTEGER | Indicates the audience of the RFQ. Valid values
are as follows:
- 0=RFQ is targeted to the public
- 1=RFQ is private
TFTRADENG_ID | BIGINT | Reserved for IBM internal use. |
STARTTIME | TIMESTAMP | Scheduled start time for the RFQ. |
STORE_ID | INTEGER | The identifier of the store in which this RFQ was
created. |
ENDTIME | TIMESTAMP | Scheduled end time for the RFQ. |
DURATION | TIMESTAMP | Reserved for IBM internal use. |
NUMRESPONSES | INTEGER | This RFQ will be closed when this number of the
responses has been received. |
CREATETIME | TIMESTAMP | Date and time the RFQ was created. |
UPDATETIME | TIMESTAMP | Date and time this RFQ was last updated. |
CANCELTIME | TIMESTAMP | Date and time the RFQ was canceled. |
STATE | INTEGER NOT NULL | The state of the RFQ: draft, active, canceled,
complete, or future. |
PREVOFFID | BIGINT | The ID of the previous offering. For multi-round,
the internal reference number of the RFQ in the previous round from
which this RFQ is created is stored in this column. |
PREVOFFTYPE | INTEGER | The type of the previous offering. For
multi-round, this is the RFQ request type. |
NEXTOFFID | BIGINT | The ID of the next offering in the chain. For
multi-round, the internal reference number of the RFQ that was
created in the next round is stored in this column. |
NEXTOFFTYPE | INTEGER | The type of the next offering. For multi-round,
this is the RFQ request type. |
ROUND | INTEGER | For multi-round, this counter keeps the current
round number. |
STAGE | INTEGER | Reserved for IBM internal use. |
NAME | VARCHAR (200) NOT NULL | Unique alphanumeric name for the RFQ. |
MAJORVERSION | INTEGER NOT NULL | Reserved for IBM internal use. |
MINORVERSION | INTEGER NOT NULL | Reserved for IBM internal use. |
ENDRESULT | INTEGER | Indicates what happens to the RFQ. Valid values
are as follows:
- 0 = RFQ results in a contract
- 1 = RFQ results in an order
MARKFORDELETE | INTEGER | Indicates if this RFQ is marked for deletion.
Valid values are as follows:
- 0=No
- 1=Yes, this RFQ and its associated values may be deleted from
the system
ACTIVATETIME | TIMESTAMP | Date and time the RFQ was posted or
activated. |
CLOSETIME | TIMESTAMP | Date and time the RFQ was closed. |
COMPLETETIME | TIMESTAMP | Date and time the RFQ was completed. |
RULETYPE | INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 | RFQ closing rules. Valid values are as follows:
- 1=RFQ closes at a fixed end time
- 2=RFQ closes if a specified number of responses are
- 3=RFQ closes based on logical OR of 1 and 2
- 4=RFQ closes based on logical AND of 1 and 2
TRACKNUMBER | VARCHAR (254) | Reserved for IBM internal use. |
VERSIONFLAGS | INTEGER | Reserved for IBM internal use. |
EXTRFQNUM | VARCHAR (64) | External RFQ number for use in
customization. |
FIELD1 | BIGINT | Customizable. |
FIELD2 | INTEGER | Customizable. |
FIELD3 | VARCHAR (254) | Customizable. |
FIELD4 | VARCHAR (254) | Customizable. |
FIELD5 | TIMESTAMP | Customizable. |
FIELD6 | TIMESTAMP | Customizable. |
OPTCOUNTER | SMALLINT | The optimistic concurrency control counter for
the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter
is incremented. |