This table records e-mail events for each recipient of a particular e-mail activity. If a row does not exist for a recipient of an e-mail activity, the user has not yet caused an event.

Column Descriptions:

USERS_IDBIGINT NOT NULLForeign key to the USERS table. Identifies the recipient user that caused an e-mail event.
EMLPROMO_IDINTEGER NOT NULLForeign key to the EMLPROMO table. Identifies the e-mail activity that was sent to the e-mail recipient.
OPENEDTIMESTAMPThe time at which is was determined the recipient opened the e-mail.
CLICKEDTIMESTAMPThe time at which it was determined the recipient clicked on a URL within the e-mail.
BOUNCEDTIMESTAMPThe time at which it was determined the recipient did not receive the e-mail.
OPTCOUNTERSMALLINTThe optimistic concurrency control counter for the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter is incremented.


NameColumn NamesType
I0000566EMLPROMO_IDNon-Unique Index

Constrained By Parent Tables:

ConstraintColumnsParent TableParent ColumnsType