A definition of the interaction with a customer to market content.

Column Descriptions:

DMACTIVITY_IDINTEGER NOT NULLThe unique identifier of a marketing activity.
STOREENT_IDINTEGER NOT NULLThe unique identifier of the store in which the marketing activity was created.
NAMEVARCHAR (64) NOT NULLThe name of the marketing activity.
VERSIONINTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1The current version number of the marketing activity. If changes are made to the content of the marketing activity, then the version number will be incremented. The default value is 1.
PUBLISHEDINTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0The published version number of the marketing activity. This is the version running on the storefront. The default value is 0.
STATESMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0The current state of the marketing activity. Valid values include: 0 = inactive, 1 = active, 2 = archived. The default value is 0.
STARTDATETIMESTAMPThe start time for the marketing activity. If the start time is null, then the marketing activity can start immediately.
ENDDATETIMESTAMPThe end time for the marketing activity. If the end time is null, then the marketing activity will run indefinitely.
PRIORITYSMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0The priority of the marketing activity. The default value is 0.
DMCAMPAIGN_IDINTEGERThe campaign associated with the marketing activity.
DMACTTYPE_IDSMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0The type of the marketing activity. Possible types are web, dialog, e-mail, search, and pageLayout. The default value is 0 (web).
DMTEMPLATETYPE_IDSMALLINTThe type of this marketing activity template. If this value is not null, then this activity is a template marketing activity used as a starting point for creating activities.
DMEXPTYPE_IDSMALLINTThe type of this marketing activity experiment. If this value is not null, then this activity is an experiment.
REPEATABLESMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1This activity is repeatable by customers.
CREATEDTIMESTAMPThe time when the marketing activity was created.
LASTUPDATETIMESTAMPThe time when the marketing activity was last updated.
LASTUPDATEDBYVARCHAR (254)The information about the individual who last updated the marketing activity.
DESCRIPTIONVARCHAR (254)The description of the marketing activity.
FLOWXMLCLOB (1000000)The XML defintion of the flow associated with the marketing activity. This column is deprecated and is no longer used.
FIELD1INTEGERCustomizable field.
FIELD2BIGINTCustomizable field.
FIELD3DECIMAL (20,5)Customizable field.
FIELD4VARCHAR (254)Customizable field.
UP_NAMEVARCHAR (64)The equivalent value of the NAME column in upper case characters. This column is used only for DB2 (LUW) database-types to enhance performance of text-based searches issued from Management Center.
UP_DESCRIPTIONVARCHAR (254)The equivalent value of the DESCRIPTION column in upper case characters. This column is used only for DB2 (LUW) database-types to enhance performance of text-based searches issued from Management Center.
BEHAVIORSMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1If this web activity displays the same results to all customers, then set this value to 0. If this web activity has dynamic behavior that can display different results, then set this value to 1. The associated e-Marketing Spot can use this setting to determine how to cache the e-Marketing Spot results.
UIDISPLAYABLESMALLINTIndicates if this element should be displayed in CMC. Null/1: means Yes. 0: means No.
MANAGINGTOOLSMALLINTIndicates what tools manages that element. Null/0: means Marketing tool. 1: means Page Layout.
OPTCOUNTERSMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0The optimistic concurrency control counter for the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter is incremented.


NameColumn NamesType
I0001141NAME+STOREENT_IDUnique Index
I0001142STOREENT_IDNon-Unique Index
I0001143DMCAMPAIGN_IDNon-Unique Index
I0001144DMACTTYPE_IDNon-Unique Index
I0001145DMTEMPLATETYPE_IDNon-Unique Index
I0001146DMEXPTYPE_IDNon-Unique Index
I0001193STARTDATENon-Unique Index
IPF00012UP_NAMENon-Unique Index
IPF00013UP_DESCRIPTIONNon-Unique Index

Constrained By Parent Tables:

ConstraintColumnsParent TableParent ColumnsType

Referenced By Child Tables:

ConstraintColumnsChild TableChild ColumnsType