Introduced in Feature Pack 1

Payment Type in the Brazil starter store

The Brazil starter store includes a new window that enables the customer to view the available credit card and installment payment options for the selected item. The featured installment option for each type of credit card is displayed in the window in boldface.

You can customize the payment type window to display the payment types offered by the customer's store.
  1. WebSphere Commerce DeveloperOpen the workspace_dir\Stores\WebContent\Madisons\Snippets\Catalog\CatalogEntryDisplay\GetCatalogEntryInstallmentPrice.jsp file.
  2. In this file, locate the following section:
    <wcf:getData var="catalogEntryInstallmentPrices" type="[]"
    	<wcf:contextData name="storeId" data="${CommandContext.storeId}" />
    	<wcf:param name="catalogEntryId" value="${param.catalogEntryId}" />
    	1 <wcf:param name="paymentMethodName" value="AMEX" />
    	<wcf:param name="nonInstallmentPrice" value="${param.nonInstallmentPrice}" />
    	<wcf:param name="catalogEntryId" value="${param.catalogEntryId}" />
    	2 <wcf:param name="paymentMethodName" value="Master Card" />
    	<wcf:param name="nonInstallmentPrice" value="${param.nonInstallmentPrice}" />
    	<wcf:param name="catalogEntryId" value="${param.catalogEntryId}" />
    	3 <wcf:param name="paymentMethodName" value="VISA" />
    	<wcf:param name="nonInstallmentPrice" value="${param.nonInstallmentPrice}" />
    By default, the wcf:param name="paymentMethodName" parameter has the following values set to specify the payment types offered in the Brazil starter store:
    1 <wcf:param name="paymentMethodName" value="AMEX" />
    Specifies that the AMEX credit card is an accepted form of payment in the store.
    2 <wcf:param name="paymentMethodName" value="Master Card" />
    Specifies that the MasterCard credit card is an accepted form of payment in the store.
    3 <wcf:param name="paymentMethodName" value="VISA" />
    Specifies that the VISA credit card is an accepted form of payment in the store.
  3. Change the value of the wcf:param name="paymentMethodName" parameter to reflect the payment types offered in your store.
  4. Save and close the file. Any new payment types that you specified are displayed as options in the Credit Card list.