Feature Pack 7 or later

Home page - RWD (B2C, Commerce Composer)

The responsive consumer direct (B2C) home page uses a layout that contains widgets that showcase the most compelling ads, product recommendations, and category recommendations for your store.

This page is managed in the Commerce Composer tool.

Screen captures

The following screen captures show the responsive consumer direct home page on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.

Note: To reduce scrolling, the following screen captures are cropped. To see full-sized screen captures, see the link after the mobile screen capture.

Desktop screen capture

Desktop screen capture

Tablet screen capture

Tablet screen capture

Mobile screen capture

Mobile screen capture

Full size screen captures

Layout, template, and page information

The following table provides details about this layout in the Commerce Composer tool in Management Center:
Page layout and template information
Layout name HomePageLayout
Template name Home page
Template type Responsive Templates
Assigned pages This layout is assigned to the following page:
  • Home page
Page type Content page


The following wireframe represents the Home page template that is used for this layout in the Commerce Composer tool:
Responsive home page default wireframe

Widget information

Widget information
Slot Widget Name Widget Type E-Marketing Spot or Content Name
1 HeaderLeftBannerContentWidget E-Marketing Spot Widget (Common) HeaderBanner_Content_Left
2 HeaderRightBannerContentWidget E-Marketing Spot Widget (Common) HeaderBanner_Content_Right
3 HomePageMainESpot Content Carousel Widget HomeHero1, HomeHero2, HomeHero3
4 HomePageCenterAdWidget1 Content Recommendation Widget HomeBrightIdeasAdContent
5 HomePageCenterAdWidget2 Content Recommendation Widget HomeHandbagsAdContent
6 HomePageBottomLeftWidget Content Recommendation Widget HomeShoeComfortAdContent
7 HomePageBottomCenterWidget Content Recommendation Widget HomePolosDiscountContent
8 HomePageBottomRightWidget Content Recommendation Widget HomeKidsApparelAdContent

JSP files

TopCategoriesDisplay.jsp represents the entire page.

The Commerce Composer widgets in this layout are defined by the following JSP files:

  • EMarketingSpot.jsp is the top-level JSP file for the E-Marketing Spot widget. This widget is included twice to display the two header banners.
  • ContentCarousel.jsp is the top-level JSP file for the Content Carousel widget. This widget is included once to display main images that transition from one to the next.
  • ContentRecommendation.jsp is the top-level JSP file for the Content Recommendation widget. This widget is included five times to display various ads on the page.