Feature Pack 5 or later

Product level features

Product level features in the Aurora starter store are designed to provide details about a specific product in your store.

Multiple product views ease decision making

The Multiple Views feature allows the shopper to see the product from different angles or in different contexts. Purchasing decisions are easier when the customer is presented with multiple interactive views of the product. The Apparel section supports multiple product views by displaying several thumbnails in an Other Views section under the main product image.
Multiple views

Swatches clarify product options

For products that are available in multiple colors, the swatches feature allows customers to view the color options in the product image. The customer can control the product image color by selecting the accompanying swatch. The swatches feature is available on the product details page, and in the product listing in the Subcategory page.
Swatch images for product attributes
Feature Pack 6 or laterSwatches can show the specific pattern and texture of individual products, giving shoppers a more precise representation of the product options:
Swatch images for product attributes
Feature Pack 7 or later

Ribbon ads highlight product characteristics

To draw shoppers' attention to certain products, add image overlays, called ribbon ads, to product thumbnails. Ribbon ads display text that describes a characteristic of a product, such as Exclusive or Clearance.
Examples of ribbon ads

Integrated inventory data shows item availability

Communicating stock availability to customers is an important component of the online shopping experience. For products that are available in multiple sizes, Aurora displays product size availability through a series of selectable icons. The Aurora starter store updates product pages based on catalog data in Management Center or integrated with true inventory data in IBM Sterling Selling and Fulfillment Suite.

Sizes that are unavailable in a particular color are indicated by a grayed icon and are not selectable. The item availability feature in Aurora is available in the Apparel department on the product details page and the product listing in the Subcategory page.

Item availability

Aurora also supports in-store product availability scenarios. A show availability link on product pages allows the user to view availability for products with the selected characteristics. In addition to online availability, brick-and-mortar stores or fulfillment centers can be chosen manually or loaded from the user profile and purchase history. If the product is unavailable or incomplete product characteristics are selected, Aurora prompts the user with a customizable message.

Product ratings and reviews support customer interactions

Social data, user generated content, and online communities are powerful tools that are leveraged for increased sales on a commerce-based site. Product rating and reviews provide an in-store platform for customers to communicate their needs and preferences.

Aurora showcases product review functionality powered by Bazaarvoice analytics software. Product reviews are available on product pages in the Aurora starter store.

When enabled, customers can view a rating scheme and access reviews written by other customers. When signed in, customers can participate in product ratings and reviews centered around products and brands in the store.

Bundles and kits support multiple purchasing scenarios

A bundle is a collection of items that are sold together, but each item is a separate entry in the cart and in the catalog.
WebSphere Commerce supports two different types of purchasing scenarios: buying multiple products together, and bundles and kits. Both are defined in the Catalogs tool in Management Center. The customer can add the bundle to the cart, but is able to remove components of the bundle individually before checkout. Examples of bundles in the Aurora store are found in Apparel > Mens Accessories or Apparel > Boys > Pants.
Bundle in Men's Accessories

A kit (package) is a collection of items sold together as one catalog entry. The customer cannot remove components since the kit is a unique SKU. Typically, customers pay less for kits or receive a discount due to the inability to change or remove products in the kit.

Product recommendations built into the store design

Marketing promotions and product recommendations are built into the design of the Aurora starter store product pages. Product pages feature four sections for increased product visibility, marketing, and promotions of other products and user convenience personalized to the shopper.
These four sections are:
  • Coordinate
  • Other customers also purchased
  • Recommended
  • Recently viewed

Coordinate widget supports sales of additional products

Products with merchandising associations set to cross-sell, up-sell, or accessorize, have a section underneath the main product image that offers the customer additional products to complement the main product.

If more than one merchandising association is entered, the customer can use arrows that appear above the associated product to coordinate with the main product being viewed. Discounts on coordinated products can be offered to promote the merchandising association.

Other Customers Also Purchased tab

The Other Customers Also Purchased tab in the main content area displays product recommendations from IBM Product Recommendations.

Other customers that also purchased

Recommended panel

The Recommended panel to the right of the main content features similar products to the one being viewed based on customer preferences and previous purchases.

Recommended panel

Product recommendations can be set manually by a Product or Category Manager by using catalog entries. The product recommendation feature can also be integrated with the analytics engine of IBM Product Recommendations, formerly known as Coremetrics Intelligent Offer. With this option, product suggestions are automatically personalized to customers through user profile information, store browsing behavior, and shopping cart history.

Recently viewed panel

Product pages can also display an additional panel under the recommended panel to list a user's recently viewed products or recently viewed categories. This feature is enabled as a Web Activity in the Marketing tool in Management Center.

Recently viewed

The recently viewed panel can be customized to include a set number of recent items, product thumbnails, and an add to cart button. Paging controls in the panel allow additional items or categories to be displayed without cluttering the page design or consuming too much screen space.

Recurring orders option on product pages

WebSphere Commerce supports scenarios where products that are purchased and consumed on a recurring basis, such as groceries or healthcare items. The recurring orders feature is shown in the Grocery and Health departments of the Aurora starter store.
By enabling a product to be a recurring order, customers are notified that a recurring order option exists on the product page. Customers can set the frequency of the reorder during the checkout process. The customer manages recurring orders in the My Accounts section of the store.

Recurring item
Customers can schedule recurring orders in the Shopping Cart.
Schedule a recurring item

Subscriptions option on product pages

WebSphere Commerce supports items that are purchased on a subscription basis such as magazines and newspapers. This feature is shown in the Magazine and Newsletters departments of the Aurora starter store.
By enabling a product to be a subscription, the customer purchases a subscription period and receives regular issues or installments until the end of the period. The quantity field on a product page is replaced by a drop-down menu to allow the user to choose a period for the subscription.

The customer manages current subscriptions in the My Accounts section of the store.

Special shipments

Certain items in a catalog might require alternate arrangements for shipment and delivery to a customer. The Appliances category in the Aurora starter store showcases a commerce scenario that requires special arrangements for shipping large and oversized goods.