See: Description
Interface | Description |
BodConstants |
Bod constants in support of parsing and build bods
IShowCustomer |
This interface needs to be implemented by the response Business Object Document builder for the Get action of the Customer noun.
IShowElectronicCatalog |
This interface needs to be implemented by the response Business Object Document builder for the Get action of the ElectronicCatalog noun.
IShowPromotion |
This interface needs to be implemented by the response Business Object Document builder for the Get action of the Promotion noun.
IShowQuoteComment |
This interface needs to be implemented by the response builder for the Get action on the QuoteComment noun.
IShowSalesOrder |
The interface that needs to be implemented by the response builder for the Get action on the SalesOrder noun.
IShowSalesOrderComment |
The interface that needs to be implemented by the response builder for the Get action on the SalesOrderComment noun.
IShowStore |
Interface needs to be implemented by the response builder for the Get action of Store noun.
ITelesalesResponseBuilder |
This interface is implemented by the TelesalesResponseBuilderImpl class.
ITelesalesResponseCacheableCommand |
This interface is implemented to provide a cacheable command for a response.
Class | Description |
AcknowledgeLogon |
Builds a response Business Object Document(BOD) for the IBM Sales Center Process Logon action.
AcknowledgeLogonCacheCmdImpl |
This class is used to cache AcknowledgeLogon responses.
Comment |
Comment is the common superclass for IBM Sales Center response builders related to the Comment noun.
ConfirmComment |
This class builds the ConfirmComment response Business Object Document(BOD).
ConfirmCustomer |
This class builds the ConfirmCustomer response Business Object Document(BOD).
ConfirmOrganization |
This class builds the response Business Object Document(BOD) for ConfirmOrganization.
ConfirmQuote |
This is the response builder class for the Create or Sync actions on the Quote noun.
ConfirmQuoteComment |
This is the response builder class for the Create action on the QuoteComment noun.
ConfirmReturn |
Builds the response Business Object Document(BOD) for create action for the Return element.
ConfirmSalesOrder |
Response builder for Create, Sync or Confirm action on the SalesOrder noun.
ConfirmSalesOrderComment |
Response builder for the Create action on the SalesOrderComment noun.
ConfirmTickler |
The class ConfirmTickler builds the response Business Object Document(BOD) for the Create action for the Tickler element.
Customer |
Customer is the common superclass for IBM Sales Center response builders related to the Customer noun.
ElectronicCatalog |
This class builds the response Business Object Document(BOD) for client action related to the ElectronicCatalog.
InventoryBalance |
This class builds the response Business Object Document(BOD) for client actions related to InventoryBalance.
OrderBase |
OrderBase is the common superclass for the IBM Sales Center response builders that act on the SalesOrder and Quote nouns.
Organization |
Organization is the common superclass for IBM Sales Center response builders related to the Organization noun.
PriceList |
The PriceList noun for building the response Business Object Document(BOD) in response to IBM Sales Center client actions.
Promotion |
This class builds the response Business Object Document(BOD) for the IBM Sales Center client actions related to Promotion.
Quote |
This is the response builder class for the IBM Sales Center client actions related to the Quote noun.
QuoteComment |
This is the response builder class for the IBM Sales Center client actions on the QuoteComment noun.
Return |
Builds the response Business Object Document(BOD) for the IBM Sales Center client actions related to Return.
ReturnReceipt |
Builds the response Business Object Document(BOD) for the IBM Sales Center client actions related to ReturnReceipts.
SalesContainerComment |
SalesContainerComment is the common superclass for quote and sales order response builders.
SalesOrder |
This is the response builder class for the IBM Sales Center client actions related to the SalesOrder noun.
SalesOrderComment |
This is the response builder class for the IBM Sales Center client actions on the OrderComment noun.
SearchCriteria |
This is a helper object used to store the search criteria.
SelectExpression |
This is a helper object used to store a select expression in the response Business Object Document.
ShowComment |
This class builds the response Business Object Document(BOD) for the Get action and the Comment noun.
ShowCountry |
Builds the response Business Object Document(BOD) for the Get action for the Country.
ShowCountryCacheCmdImpl |
This class is used to cache ShowCountry responses.
ShowCustomer |
This class builds the response Business Object Document(BOD) for Get action and Customer noun.
ShowCustomerCacheCmdImpl |
This class is used to cache ShowCustomer responses.
ShowElectronicCatalog |
This class builds the response Business Object Document(BOD) for the Get action for the ElectronicCatalog noun.
ShowElectronicCatalogCacheCmdImpl |
This class is used to cache ShowElectronicCatalog responses.
ShowInventoryBalance |
This class builds the response Business Object Document(BOD) for the Get action of the InventoryBalance noun.
ShowInventoryBalanceCacheCmdImpl |
This class is used to cache ShowInventoryBalance responses.
ShowOrganization |
This class builds the response Business Object Document(BOD) for the Get action for the Organization.
ShowOrganizationCacheCmdImpl |
This class is used to cache ShowOrganization responses.
ShowPriceList |
This class builds the response Business Object Document(BOD) for the Get action for a PriceList.
ShowPromotion |
This class builds the response Business Object Document(BOD) for the Get action for Promotion.
ShowQuote |
This is the response builder class for the Get action on the Quote noun.
ShowQuoteComment |
This is the response builder class for the Get action on the QuoteComment noun.
ShowResponseCacheCmdImpl |
This class is used to cache Show responses.
ShowReturn |
This is the response builder class for the IBM Sales Center Get action for Return.
ShowReturnReceipt |
This is the response builder class for the IBM Sales Center Get action for ReturnReceipt.
ShowSalesOrder |
This is the response builder class for the Get action on the SalesOrder noun.
ShowSalesOrderComment |
This is the response builder for the Get action on the OrderComment noun.
ShowStore |
Builds a response Business Object Document(BOD) for the IBM Sales Center Get Store action.
ShowStoreCacheCmdImpl |
This class is used to cache ShowStore responses.
ShowTickler |
The class ShowTickler builds the response Business Object Document(BOD) for the Get action for Tickler.
ShowTicklerAssignee |
The class ShowTicklerAssignee builds response Business Object Document(BOD) for client Get action for TicklerAssignee.
Store |
Builds response Business Object Document(BOD) for Sales Center client actions related to Store.
TelesalesDomUtil |
This class defines the helper methods used by IBM Sales center Server component.
TelesalesResponseBuilderFactory |
This is the factory class which does a look up from the registry for the given key and creates an instance of the response builder.
TelesalesResponseBuilderImpl |
Abstract Class which is extended by every Noun class to provide Business Object Document construction functions for Noun specific response document.
Tickler |
The class Tickler builds the response Business Object Document(BOD) for client actions related to the Tickler element.
TicklerAssignee |
The class TicklerAssignee builds the response Business Object Document(BOD) for client actions related to the TicklerAssignee element.
This package contains the IBM Sales Center response builder classes.
Provides classes and interfaces to Sales Center response building functionality at server side. It contains all the response builder classes which are mapped with client side requests.