public interface CommandContext
extends java.lang.Cloneable
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static java.lang.String | COPYRIGHT |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
java.lang.Long | becomeUser(java.lang.Long userId)
Reserved for IBM internal use.
java.lang.String | buildRedirectUrl(TypedProperty prop)
This method has no replacement. A view should be used for redirection.
void | changeStore(java.lang.Integer newValue)
This method changes the store and store associated information.
boolean | clearStickyUser()
Reserved for IBM internal use.
java.lang.Object | clone()
This method returns a clone of this command context.
void | establishStickyUser(java.lang.Long nUserId)
Reserved for IBM internal use.
void | generateLogId()
This method has been replaced by AuditContext.getRequestIdentifier()
java.lang.Long | getActiveOrganizationId()
This method has been replaced by EntitlementContext.getActiveOrganizationId()
long | getActivityId()
This method is replaced by AuditContext.getRequestIdentifier()
ActivityToken | getActivityToken()
This method gets the activity token associated with this request.
boolean | getAsyncCommand()
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
java.lang.Long | getCallerId()
This method gets the original caller id of this request.
boolean | getClearForUser()
This method has no replacement because it should not be called.
ECCommand | getCommand()
This method gets the command associated with this command context.
java.lang.String | getCommandName()
This method gets the name of the command.
Context | getContext(java.lang.String strContextName)
This method gets the context of the given name.
java.lang.String | getCountry()
This method has been replaced by CommandContextHelper.getCountry(CommandContext)
java.lang.String | getCurrency()
This method gets the negotiated currency associated with this request.
java.lang.String | getCurrentCommandName()
This method gets the interface name of the current command.
java.lang.String | getCurrentTradingAgreementIdsAsString()
This method has been replaced by EntitlementContext.getCurrentTradingAgreementIds()
TradingAgreementAccessBean[] | getCurrentTradingAgreements()
This method has been replaced by ContractCmdUtil.getCurrentTradingAgreements(CommandContext)
java.lang.Integer | getDefaultDeviceFormat()
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
| | getDeviceFormatAdapter()
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
java.lang.Integer | getDeviceFormatId()
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
java.lang.Integer | getDeviceFormatTypeId()
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
java.lang.Integer | getDeviceType()
This method has no replacement.
java.lang.String | getDocumentPathName(java.lang.String baseName)
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
java.lang.String[] | getEligibleTradingAgreementIds()
This method is replaced by ContractCmdUtil.getEligibleTradingAgreementIds(CommandContext)
java.lang.String | getEligibleTradingAgreementIdsAsString()
This method is replaced by EntitlementContext.getEligibleTradingAgreementIds()
java.lang.String | getEncCurContr()
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
java.lang.String | getEncElgContr()
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
java.lang.String | getEncoding()
If the CommandContext object is an instance of ViewCommandContext (that is, the request is initiated from the web channel), it should be cast to ViewCommandContext and the getEncoding() method should be used. If it is not, use the default encoding for the languageId associated with the request. It can be retrieved by calling LanguageRegistry.getEncoding(Integer)
java.lang.String | getEncParOrg()
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
java.lang.String | getEncParOrgAndCurContr()
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
java.lang.String | getEncSesContr()
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
java.lang.String | getErrorViewName()
Reserved for IBM internal use.
java.sql.Timestamp | getExpiryDate()
No replacement.
java.lang.Integer | getForStoreId()
This method gets the for store ID.
java.lang.Long | getForUserId()
Reserved for IBM internal use.
java.lang.Integer | getInitialPreferredLanguage()
This method is replaced by GlobalizationContext.getPreferredLanguageId()
java.lang.String | getLanguage()
This method gets the 2 character language code associated with this command.
java.lang.Integer | getLanguageId()
This method gets the negotiated language id associated with this request.
java.util.Locale | getLocale()
This method returns the locale associated with this request.
java.util.Locale | getLocale(java.lang.Integer languageId)
This method has been replaced by CommandContextHelper.getLocale(Integer)
java.lang.String | getLocaleVariant()
This method gets the locale variant associated with this request.
long | getLogId()
This method has been replaced by AuditContext.getRequestIdentifier()
StoreAccessBean | getNonNullStore()
This method returns a non-null store access bean object.
java.lang.Long | getOrginalUserId()
This method has been replaced by getOriginalUserId()
java.lang.Long | getOriginalUserId()
Reserved for IBM internal use.
java.lang.String | getParentOrg()
This method has been replaced by CommandContextHelper.getParentOrg(CommandContext)
java.lang.String | getPreferredCurrency()
This method gets the preferred currency associated with this request.
java.lang.Integer | getPreferredLanguage()
This method gets the preferred language id for this request.
java.lang.String | getRedirectionURL()
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
java.lang.String | getRemoteAddr()
The TransportData object should be retrieved from the AuditContext of the request. The remote address is retrieved by calling TransportData.getRemoteAddress()
java.lang.String | getRemoteHost()
The TransportData object should be retrieved from the AuditContext of the request. The remote host is retrieved by calling TransportData.getRemoteHost()
java.lang.Object | getRequest()
If the CommandContext object is an instance of ViewCommandContext (that is, the request is initiated from the web channel), it should be cast to ViewCommandContext and the getRequest() method should be used.
TypedProperty | getRequestProperties()
This method gets the request properties associated with this request.
java.lang.String | getResolvedQueryString()
This method has been replaced by
java.lang.Object | getResponse()
If the CommandContext object is an instance of ViewCommandContext (that is, the request is initiated from the web channel), it should be cast to ViewCommandContext and the getResponse() method should be used.
boolean | getResult()
Reserved for IBM internal use.
| | getSessionContext()
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
| | getSessionData()
This method has no replacement. It should not be called. Instead of retrieving the attributes from the SessionData object, the equivalent methods should be called from the command context.
java.lang.String | getSessionTradingAgreementIdsAsString()
This method has been replaced by EntitlementContext.getSessionTradingAgreementIds()
java.lang.Long | getStickyActiveOrganizationId()
Reserved for IBM internal use.
java.lang.Long | getStickyUserId()
Reserved for IBM internal use.
StoreAccessBean | getStore()
This method gets the store access bean associated with this request.
StoreAccessBean | getStore(java.lang.Integer storeId)
This method gets the store access bean associated with this request.
java.lang.Integer | getStoreId()
This method gets the store id for this request.
java.sql.Timestamp | getTimestamp()
Reserved for IBM internal use.
TradingAgreementAccessBean | getTradingAgreement(java.lang.Long id)
This method has been replaced by ContractCmdUtil.getTradingAgreement(Long)
TradingAgreementAccessBean | getTradingAgreement(java.lang.String id)
This method has been replaced by ContractCmdUtil.getTradingAgreement(String)
| | getTransactionCache()
This method gets the cache of custom properties.
boolean | getUncacheable()
This method has no replacement.
java.lang.String | getUniqueSessionTag()
This method has been replaced by CommandContextHelper.getUniqueSessionTag(CommandContext)
UserAccessBean | getUser()
This method gets the user access bean for the user of this request.
java.lang.Long | getUserId()
This method gets the user id.
java.lang.String | getViewCommand()
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
java.lang.String | getWebpath()
If the CommandContext is an instance of ViewCommandContext (that is, the request is initiated from the web channel), it should be cast to ViewCommandContext and the getWebpath() method should be used.
void | initializeStickyUser()
Reserved for IBM internal use.
void | invalidateTradingAgreement(java.lang.Long id)
This method has been replaced by ContractCmdUtil.invalidateTradingAgreement(Long, CommandContext)
void | invalidateTradingAgreement(java.lang.String id)
This method has been replaced by ContractCmdUtil.invalidateTradingAgreement(String, CommandContext)
boolean | isCacheTarget()
This method has no replacement.
boolean | isResponseNecessary()
Reserved for IBM internal use.
boolean | isSecure()
This method determines whether this is an HTTPS command.
boolean | isStoreCommand()
This method has no replacement.
int | nextSequenceNumber()
This method has been replaced by AuditContext.getNextRequestSequenceNumber()
void | resetStoreRef()
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
void | resetTradingAgreementInfo()
This method has been replaced by EntitlementContext.clearTradingAgreements()
void | restoreStore()
This method restores store and store associated information.
void | restoreUser(java.lang.Long user)
Reserved for IBM internal use.
void | setActiveOrganizationId(java.lang.Long nOrganizationId)
This method has been replaced by
void | setActivityId(long newValue)
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
void | setActivityToken(ActivityToken token)
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
void | setAsyncCommand(boolean newValue)
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
void | setCacheTarget(boolean newValue)
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
void | setCommand(ECCommand command)
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
void | setCommandName(java.lang.String value)
Reserved for IBM internal use.
void | setCountry(java.lang.String value)
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
void | setCurrency(java.lang.String value)
This method has been replaced by GlobalizationContext.setCurrency(String)
void | setCurrentCommandName(java.lang.String name)
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
void | setCurrentTradingAgreements(TradingAgreementAccessBean[] contracts)
This method has been replaced by ContractCmdUtil.setCurrentTradingAgreements(TradingAgreementAccessBean[], CommandContext)
void | setDefaultDeviceFormat(java.lang.Integer newValue)
This method has no replacement.
void | setDeviceFormatAdapter( newValue)
This method has no replacement.
void | setDeviceFormatId(java.lang.Integer newValue)
This method has no replacement.
void | setDeviceFormatTypeId(java.lang.Integer newValue)
This method has no replacement.
void | setDeviceType(java.lang.Integer newValue)
This method has no replacement.
void | setEligibleTradingAgreementIdsAsString(java.lang.String newValue)
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
void | setEncCurContr(java.lang.String newValue)
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
void | setEncElgContr(java.lang.String newValue)
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
void | setEncoding(java.lang.String encoding)
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
void | setEncParOrg(java.lang.String newValue)
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
void | setEncSesContr(java.lang.String newValue)
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
void | setErrorViewName(java.lang.String value)
The error view name is now set in the response properties instead.
void | setExpiryDate(java.sql.Timestamp newValue)
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
void | setForStoreId(java.lang.Integer val)
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
void | setForUserId(java.lang.Long value)
The "for user id" should be set in the request properties instead.
void | setLanguage(java.lang.String value)
Reserved for IBM internal use.
void | setLanguageId(java.lang.Integer newValue)
Reserved for IBM internal use.
void | setLocale(java.util.Locale newValue)
Reserved for IBM internal use.
void | setLocaleVariant(java.lang.String value)
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
void | setPreferredCurrency(java.lang.String value)
Reserved for IBM internal use.
void | setPreferredLanguage(java.lang.Integer value)
Reserved for IBM internal use.
void | setRedirectionURL(java.lang.String value)
The URL should be set in the response property instead.
void | setRemoteAddr(java.lang.String newRemoteAddr)
The TransportData object should be retrieved from the AuditContext of the request. The remote address should be set by calling
void | setRemoteHost(java.lang.String newRemoteHost)
The TransportData object should be retrieved from the AuditContext of the request. The remote host should be set by calling
void | setRequest(java.lang.Object value)
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
void | setRequestProperties(TypedProperty prop)
This method sets the request property object associated with this request.
void | setResponse(java.lang.Object value)
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
void | setResponseNecessary(boolean newValue)
Reserved for IBM internal use.
void | setResult(boolean newValue)
Reserved for IBM internal use.
void | setSecure(boolean newValue)
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
void | setSessionContext( sessionContext)
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
void | setSessionData( sessionData)
This method has no replacement. It should not be called. Instead of setting the attributes to the SessionData object, the equivalent methods from the command context should be called.
void | setSessionTradingAgreementIdsAsString(java.lang.String newValue)
This method has been replaced by
void | setStickyActiveOrganizationId(java.lang.Long nActiveOrganizationId)
Reserved for IBM internal use.
void | setStickyUserId(java.lang.Long nUserId)
Reserved for IBM internal use.
void | setStore(StoreAccessBean newValue)
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
void | setStoreCommand(boolean value)
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
void | setStoreId(java.lang.Integer newValue)
Reserved for IBM internal use.
void | setTimestamp(java.sql.Timestamp value)
Reserved for IBM internal use.
| | setTransactionCache( aCustomProperties)
This method sets the cache of custom properties.
void | setUncacheable(boolean newValue)
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
void | setUniqueSessionTag(java.lang.String value)
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
void | setUserId(java.lang.Long value)
Reserved for IBM internal use.
void | setViewCommand(java.lang.String value)
The view name is now set in the response properties instead.
void | setWebpath(java.lang.String webpath)
This method has no replacement. It should not be called.
boolean | userCanExecuteCommand(AccCommand command)
This method has been replaced by CommandContextHelper.canUserExecuteCommand(AccCommand)
static final java.lang.String COPYRIGHT
java.lang.Long becomeUser(java.lang.Long userId)
long getActivityId()
boolean getUncacheable()
boolean getClearForUser()
ECCommand getCommand()
java.lang.String getCommandName()
java.lang.String getCurrentCommandName()
java.lang.String[] getEligibleTradingAgreementIds() throws ECException
java.lang.String getEligibleTradingAgreementIdsAsString()
java.sql.Timestamp getExpiryDate()
java.lang.Long getForUserId() throws ECException
java.lang.Integer getInitialPreferredLanguage() throws ECException
java.lang.String getLanguage()
java.util.Locale getLocale(java.lang.Integer languageId)
java.lang.String getLocaleVariant()
long getLogId()
StoreAccessBean getNonNullStore() throws ECSystemException
java.lang.Long getOriginalUserId()
TypedProperty getRequestProperties()
java.lang.String getResolvedQueryString()
boolean getResult()
StoreAccessBean getStore() throws ECSystemException
StoreAccessBean getStore(java.lang.Integer storeId) throws ECSystemException
java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp()
TradingAgreementAccessBean getTradingAgreement(java.lang.Long id) throws ECException
TradingAgreementAccessBean getTradingAgreement(java.lang.String id) throws ECException
UserAccessBean getUser() throws ECSystemException
void invalidateTradingAgreement(java.lang.Long id) throws ECException
void invalidateTradingAgreement(java.lang.String id) throws ECException
boolean isCacheTarget()
boolean isResponseNecessary()
boolean isSecure()
boolean isStoreCommand()
void resetTradingAgreementInfo()
void restoreUser(java.lang.Long user)
boolean userCanExecuteCommand(AccCommand command) throws ECException
java.lang.String getErrorViewName()
void changeStore(java.lang.Integer newValue)
void restoreStore()
java.lang.String getEncParOrgAndCurContr()
java.lang.String getEncParOrg()
java.lang.String getParentOrg()
java.lang.Integer getForStoreId()
java.lang.String getEncoding() getTransactionCache()
int nextSequenceNumber()
ActivityToken getActivityToken()
Context getContext(java.lang.String strContextName)
void setEncElgContr(java.lang.String newValue)
void setErrorViewName(java.lang.String value)
void setActivityId(long newValue)
void setAsyncCommand(boolean newValue)
void setUncacheable(boolean newValue)
void setCacheTarget(boolean newValue)
void setCommand(ECCommand command)
void setCommandName(java.lang.String value)
void setCountry(java.lang.String value)
void setCurrentCommandName(java.lang.String name)
void setExpiryDate(java.sql.Timestamp newValue)
void setForUserId(java.lang.Long value)
void setLanguage(java.lang.String value)
void setPreferredCurrency(java.lang.String value)
void setRequestProperties(TypedProperty prop)
void setResponseNecessary(boolean newValue)
void setResult(boolean newValue)
void setSecure(boolean newValue)
void setSessionContext( sessionContext)
void setSessionData( sessionData)
void setStore(StoreAccessBean newValue)
void setStoreCommand(boolean value)
void setStoreId(java.lang.Integer newValue)
void setTimestamp(java.sql.Timestamp value)
void setUniqueSessionTag(java.lang.String value) throws ECException
void setUserId(java.lang.Long value)
void setViewCommand(java.lang.String value)
java.lang.Object clone()
void generateLogId()
boolean getAsyncCommand()
java.lang.String getCountry()
java.lang.String getCurrency() throws ECSystemException
TradingAgreementAccessBean[] getCurrentTradingAgreements() throws ECException
java.lang.Integer getLanguageId() throws ECSystemException
java.util.Locale getLocale()
java.lang.String getPreferredCurrency() throws ECSystemException
java.lang.Integer getPreferredLanguage() throws ECSystemException
java.lang.String getSessionTradingAgreementIdsAsString() throws ECException
java.lang.Integer getStoreId()
java.lang.Long getUserId()
void resetStoreRef()
void setCurrency(java.lang.String value)
void setCurrentTradingAgreements(TradingAgreementAccessBean[] contracts)
void setEligibleTradingAgreementIdsAsString(java.lang.String newValue)
void setLanguageId(java.lang.Integer newValue)
void setLocale(java.util.Locale newValue)
void setLocaleVariant(java.lang.String value)
void setPreferredLanguage(java.lang.Integer value)
void setSessionTradingAgreementIdsAsString(java.lang.String newValue)
java.lang.String getEncElgContr()
java.lang.String getEncCurContr()
java.lang.String getEncSesContr()
void setEncCurContr(java.lang.String newValue)
void setEncParOrg(java.lang.String newValue)
void setEncSesContr(java.lang.String newValue)
java.lang.String getCurrentTradingAgreementIdsAsString() throws ECException
void setForStoreId(java.lang.Integer val)
void setEncoding(java.lang.String encoding) setTransactionCache( aCustomProperties)
void setActivityToken(ActivityToken token)
java.lang.String buildRedirectUrl(TypedProperty prop) throws ECApplicationException
java.lang.Integer getDefaultDeviceFormat() getDeviceFormatAdapter()
java.lang.Integer getDeviceFormatId()
java.lang.Integer getDeviceFormatTypeId()
java.lang.Integer getDeviceType()
java.lang.String getDocumentPathName(java.lang.String baseName)
java.lang.String getRedirectionURL()
java.lang.String getRemoteAddr()
java.lang.String getRemoteHost()
java.lang.String getViewCommand() getSessionContext() throws ECException getSessionData()
void setDefaultDeviceFormat(java.lang.Integer newValue)
void setDeviceFormatAdapter( newValue)
void setDeviceFormatId(java.lang.Integer newValue)
void setDeviceFormatTypeId(java.lang.Integer newValue)
void setDeviceType(java.lang.Integer newValue)
void setRedirectionURL(java.lang.String value)
void setRemoteAddr(java.lang.String newRemoteAddr)
void setRemoteHost(java.lang.String newRemoteHost)
java.lang.Object getRequest()
java.lang.Object getResponse()
java.lang.String getUniqueSessionTag()
void setRequest(java.lang.Object value)
void setResponse(java.lang.Object value)
java.lang.String getWebpath()
void setWebpath(java.lang.String webpath)
java.lang.Long getCallerId()
java.lang.Long getActiveOrganizationId() throws ECException
void setActiveOrganizationId(java.lang.Long nOrganizationId) throws ECException
void initializeStickyUser() throws ECException
void establishStickyUser(java.lang.Long nUserId) throws ECException
boolean clearStickyUser() throws ECException
void setStickyUserId(java.lang.Long nUserId)
java.lang.Long getStickyUserId() throws ECException
java.lang.Long getStickyActiveOrganizationId() throws ECException
void setStickyActiveOrganizationId(java.lang.Long nActiveOrganizationId)
java.lang.Long getOrginalUserId() throws ECException