Step 2c: Basic mode - Scanning remote shared disks
To discover software that is installed on shared disks in your infrastructure, run the software scan with the Scan remote shared disks option enabled.
Before you begin
- This method of scanning is advised for environments in which a single shared disk is mounted on one or only few computers. For information, see: Discovering software on shared disks.
- If more computers are configured to scan a shared disk, performance of the disk might decrease drastically and the scanning might take a long time. It is recommended to schedule the clients to scan the shared disk at different times, for example to spread the scanning across many days of the week.
- If the shared disks to be scanned are large, scan timeout problems might occur.
- Discover shared disks that exist in your infrastructure.
- Exclude unsupported file systems from scanning.
- Stop the current software scans.
- In the navigation tree, click Actions.
- In the upper right pane, select the Initiate Software Scan action.
- In the lower pane, click Stop.
- Initiate software scans with the option to scan
remote shared disks selected.Important: Automounted remote disks will be scanned only if they are mounted during the scan.
Information about shared disks and the installed software
is available on the following reports:
- Computers report (when you access it from the widget on the home page) contains information about the type of file system, shared disk IP address, and mount point
- Scanned File Data report contains information about the file path
- Software Classification report contains information about the installation path