Edit the file to create and configure properties for the IBM® BigFix® Remote Control controller component to use during a remote control session with a target.

Use the file to configure the controller component that is used during remote control sessions that are initiated from the server. For more information about configuring controller properties for peer to peer remote control sessions, see the IBM BigFix Remote Control Controller User's Guide

Running tools on the target during a remote control session

Configuration settings to add custom menu items to the controller UI. The menu items are added to the Perform Action in Target menu and can be used to run commands on the target target during a remote control session.
Note: If too many items are added to the Perform Action in Target menu the last items in the menu might extend beyond the bottom of the screen. In particular on a smaller screen size, since there is no support for scrolling menus.
By default there are seven preconfigured tools that you can change to your own requirements. There are also three blank tools available by default. To add more tools, manually edit the controller.propreties file.
Note: After manually editing the file, restart the server service for the new tools to be displayed on the screen.

Configure the properties by using the following definition formats.

prefix.ToolName =
Modifiable field prefix.ToolName
Field Description Display name that is used in the Perform Action in target menu. Each defined tool name must have a different prefix.
Possible Values User Defined. For example,

tool01.ToolName=Command Prompt

The text, Command Prompt, is displayed in the Perform Action in target menu.

Value Definition
Modifiable field prefix.ToolName.$lang$
Field Description Display name used in the Perform Action in target menu. Translation of display name. $lang$ is ISO language code.
Possible Values User Defined.
Value Definition
Modifiable Field prefix.ToolCommand
Field Description Command to execute the tool, without parameters.
Possible Values User Defined. For example, tool01.ToolCommand=[SystemFolder]\\control.exe

The tool command can be a fully qualified path or just the filename. The file needs to be on the PATH environment variable of the logged in user. You can specify executable files but also files associated with an executable. Do not use quotes, even when there are spaces in the path or filename. For example, tool01.ToolCommand=cmd.exe and tool01.ToolCommand=[SystemFolder]\\cmd.exe are equivalent.
Note: When using a backslash in the path you need to enter two backslashes.

You can use the following folder properties when defining windows tools parameters. The target substitutes these with the actual path on the target system.

The target uses the following path to execute the tool. [WindowsVolume]\Windows
The target uses the following path to execute the tool. [WindowsFolder]\System32

Folder properties are not relevant for Linux targets. lnxcontrol.ToolCommand = /usr/bin/gnome-control-center

Value Definition
prefix.ToolParameters =
Modifiable field prefix.ToolParameters
Field Description Optional parameters for the command to execute.
Possible Values User defined
Value Definition
prefix.ToolUser =
Modifiable Field prefix.ToolUser
Field Description Determines which privileges or credentials the command is executed with.
Possible Values <blank> or admin
Value Definition
Run the tool as the logged on user.
Note: Might trigger UAC prompts depending on the version of Windows. This is the default value.
Run the tool with UAC prompt to elevate privileges.

Pre configured tools

The following list of tools are pre configured and can be edited using the Edit properties files option.
Note: Although the tools are pre configured, each specific tool will only be displayed in the Perform action in target menu if the target has the command required for running the tool already installed. Therefore some sessions might have all tools displayed and other sessions might only have a few pre configured tools displayed. Only windows tools will be displayed when you are connected to a Windows target and Linux tools on a Linux target.

tool01.ToolName = Control Panel
tool01.ToolCommand = [SystemFolder]\\control.exe
tool01.ToolParameters =
tool01.ToolUser =

tool02.ToolName = Command Prompt
tool02.ToolCommand = [SystemFolder]\\cmd.exe
tool02.ToolParameters =
tool02.ToolUser =

tool03.ToolName = Administrator Command Prompt
tool03.ToolCommand = [SystemFolder]\\cmd.exe
tool03.ToolParameters =
tool03.ToolUser = admin

tool04.ToolName = Task Manager
tool04.ToolCommand = [SystemFolder]\\taskmgr.exe
tool04.ToolParameters =
tool04.ToolUser =

tool05.ToolName = Windows Explorer
tool05.ToolCommand = [WindowsFolder]\\explorer.exe
tool05.ToolParameters =
tool05.ToolUser =

tool06.ToolParameters =
tool06.ToolUser =

tool07.ToolName=Control Panel
tool07.ToolParameters =
tool07.ToolUser =

Sending key sequences to the target during a session

Configuration settings to add custom key sequence shortcuts to the controller to inject on the target machine during a remote control session. For details of the supported key codes see the IBM BigFix Remote Control Controller User's Guide
Modifiable field keyX.KeySequenceName
Field Description Display name used in the Perform Action in target menu. Each defined key sequence name should have a different prefix. For more details see the IBM BigFix Remote Control Controller User's Guide. X = 01 to n
Possible Values User Defined. For example,

key01.KeySequenceName = Inject F1

The text, Inject F1, is displayed in the Perform Action in target menu.

Value Definition
Modifiable field keyX.KeySequenceName.language
Field Description Translations for display name. This property is optional. X = 1 to n
Possible Values User Defined. For example, = Inyectar F1
Value Definition
Modifiable Field keyX.KeySequenceValue
Field Description Macro sequence. The sequence of keys defined here are sent to the target machine. X = 1 to n
Possible Values User Defined. For example,

key01.KeySequenceValue = [F1]
Value Definition

End the session if audit messages cannot be uploaded to the server

Configuration setting to automatically end the session if audit messages cannot be uploaded to the server.
Modifiable field
Field Description During a managed remote control session, when Force session audit is enabled, if the controller fails to send an audit message to the server, the session ends.
Possible Values true or false
Value Definition
The session ends automatically when an audit message cannot be sent to the server.
The session does not end when an audit message cannot be sent to the server.