Editing the properties files

You can use the properties files in IBM® BigFix® Remote Control to customize your environment, configure LDAP, set debug options, and set controller and on-demand target properties. The files can be edited in the IBM BigFix Remote Control Server UI.

About this task

The following properties files are available.
  • trc.properties
  • log4j.properties
  • ldap.properties
  • common.properties
  • appversion.properties
  • controller.properties
  • ondemand.properties

For more information about modifying the log4j.properties file, see http://logging.apache.org/log4j/docs/

To edit the properties files in the IBM BigFix Remote Control Server UI, complete the following steps.


  1. Click Admin > Edit properties file.
    The Edit Properties File panel is displayed.
  2. Select the relevant file from the list.
  3. Make the changes and click Submit.
  4. For the new property values to take effect click Admin > Reset Application.


As there is a short delay while the file is rewritten, you must not make any immediate changes until the application is reset.
Note: To manually edit the properties files, locate them on the server and edit them. If you edit the files manually, you must reset the server application by selecting Admin > Reset Application for the new values to be displayed when you edit the file in the UI.

The properties files are in the following directories:

Windows® systems


where installdir is the directory that the IBM BigFix Remote Control Server is installed.
For example, 
C:\Program Files\IBM\Tivoli\TRC\server\wlp\usr\servers\trcserver
Linux® systems


where installdir is the directory that the IBM BigFix Remote Control Server is installed.
For example: 