Common OSD text

Specifying target network parameters at deployment time

If you have selected the Prompt end user for properties option in the bare metal profile properties wizard, a user interface is displayed on the target system at deployment time. From this interface you can view and change the network interface settings, the hostname, and the partition mapping information that will be applied to the target. You can accept the displayed settings or change them as needed:
Network interface card (NIC)
All settings defined with task 354 or specified in the Network tab of the bare metal profile properties wizard are displayed. If the target has more than one network interface card (NIC), a separate configuration window is displayed for each one. Each interface is identified by the corresponding MAC address.
Displays the hostname previously set with task 350 if used, or the final hostname value resulting from the application of the hostname rule you specified in the bare metal profile.
Note: If you set the hostname for a target at deployment time, this value is maintained for any subsequent bare metal deployments, independently of the hostname rule specified in the bare metal profile. To change the hostname, you can either use task 350 or deploy a new profile selecting the "Prompt end user for properties" option.
Partition mapping
Displays the partition mapping information that was specified using task 350. You can resize the partitions or accept the current mapping. If this information is not available, the related page is not displayed at the target.

multicast common

To enable multicast for the profile, select the corresponding option. Default values for multicast deployment are provided. You can accept or change them, depending on the characteristics of your network:
Multicast Mode
Defines how the multicast distribution is managed on the targets at deployment time for the profile:
Probe and Fail
If the probe on the target fails, the deployment task also fails.
Probe and Fall back to Unicast
If the probe on the target fails, deployment of the profile occurs in unicast
Deployment on the target is forced to multicast regardless of probe results.
Group Setup
Select the type of multicast group that is used for the deployment. You can accept or change the associated parameters.
Closed Group
Targets join the group as they are ready. When the following criteria are satisfied, the group is closed and distribution begins. This is the default.
Number of targets in group
Specify the maximum number of targets allowed in the group. The default value is 12.
Wait for targets up to minutes
Specify the maximum number of minutes to wait for targets before starting the multicast deployment. The default value is 10 minutes.
Minimum number of targets in group
Specify the minimum number of targets that must join for a multicast deployment. If the specified value is not reached, deployment is completed in unicast. The default value is 2.
Open Group
Targets can join the group as they are ready, at any time during deployment. You can change the associated parameter.
Average number of targets in group
Specify the average number of targets expected in the group. This value is used to optimize block synchronization. The closer the number of actual targets is to this value, the more efficient the multicast deployment. The default value is 16.
Advanced Parameters
Multicast advanced customization and tuning options that apply to both multicast group types.
Block synchronization wait time in seconds
Specify how many seconds the server must wait before sending the next block. This value is preset to 120 seconds. If you specify a value less than 5 seconds, the block synchronization wait time is forced to 5.
Block size in MB
The image is divided into blocks that are sent to the targets. This parameter sets the maximum size of the data blocks (in megabytes) sent in each transmission packet. The default value is 16 Megabytes.
Enable block encryption
Specify if the blocks must be encrypted during transmission.