Manage MDM server capability

Read this topic to learn how to install additional MDM services such as Windows, Apple, Android and to configure the identity service.

About this task

For MDM servers that do not have all the three MDM components installed (Windows, Apple, or Android), you can add the missing component. For example, a Windows MDM server can use this work flow to add Apple MDM and / or Android MDM server capabilities and vice versa. You can also configure the authentication method used by the identity service for your organization through this screen.


  1. From the WebUI main page, select Apps > MCM.
  2. On the Modern Client Management page, click Admin.
  3. On the Admin page, select MDM Servers > Manage Capability. The following page appears:

  4. Click Select to select an MDM server on which you want to install additional MDM service and/or configure the identity service. You must select at least one option to deploy on an MDM server.
  5. Install Additional MDM Service
    1. Under the Select Capabilities section, select the Install Additional MDM Service check box.
    2. Select the Operating System.
      • Windows
        WNS Credentials: This field appears when you select Windows as the operating system. Click Upload File and browse through the file location to select the wnscredentials.json file.
        Tip: For more information on how to generate wnscredentials.json file, see Generating WNS credentials.
      • Apple
        • Apple Push Certificate and Key Content:
          • Apple Push Key password: Enter the Apple Push key password.
          • Apple Push Certificate: Click Upload File and browse through the file location to select the Push PEM file.
          • Apple Push Key: Click Upload File and browse through the file location to select the Push key file. For information on how to obtain an Apple Push Certificate for your MDM Server, see Generating APNs certificate.
        • User Agreement for Mac MDM Enrollment: This is optional. Enter welcome message text for an end user agreement. The message entered here is displayed to the end users to accept to proceed with enrollment of Apple devices through the enrollment process. This allows the organization to notify or warn device users of the terms of enrolling their devices. This message can include, for example, a warning about allowing remote management of the device or helpdesk contact information.
      • Android
        • For non G-Suite accounts, Android Server Admin Credentials are required. For G-Suite accounts, the Google G-Suite Credentials are required.
          Note: Either the Android Server Admin Credentials or the Google Gsuite Credentials are required, not both. The UI stops you if you try to enter both.
          Android Server Admin Credentials:
          • Android Server Admin Username: Enter the user name
          • Android Server Admin Password: Enter the password
          For more information on how to generate googlecredentials.json file, see Enroll to Managed Google Play Accounts enterprise.


          Google GSuite Credentials: Click Upload file and browse through the file location to select the googlecredentials.json file.
  6. Identity Service Configuration
    1. Under the Select Capabilities section, select the Identity Service Configuration checkbox. ID Service options appear for you to select.
    2. Select ID Service
      • No Auth: Select this option if you do not want any authentication. This means anyone can enroll for MCM service without having to identify themselves through user credentials.
      • AD/Open LDAP
        • Enable SAML: This is optional. Select this check box to enable SAML-authentication configuration.
          Note: With MCM v3.0, Okta is supported. Instructions below pertain to Okta-specific setup.
        • LDAP URL: This is mandatory. Valid format is https://<server>:<port>. For more information on LDAP URL formats, see
        • LDAP Base DN: This is mandatory. Valid format "dc=example,dc=org"
          Note: Configuring multiple Base DNs is not supported.
        • LDAP Bind User: This is mandatory. The root point to bind to the server. For example, CN=LdapCreds,DC=mydomain,DC=mycompany,DC=com. ""
        • LDAP Bind Password: This is mandatory. Enter a string.
      • Azure AD
        • Enable SAML: This is optional. Select this checkbox to enable SAML-authenticated enrollment.
        • Azure Credentials: This is mandatory. Upload the .json file with Azure AD credentials in the following format:
          { "client_id": "06b6d920-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-73792306xxxx", 
            "tenant_id": "31ac2431-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6215b1c2xxxx",
            "client_secret": "d7bc6b2e-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-b5c681e5xxxx"

          For information on how to fetch this information, refer to the BigFix Wiki documentation at Azure AD registration and configuration.

  7. Click Deploy.
    Note: The Deploy button is enabled only when all the required parameters for the selected capabilities are provided without errors.


On top of the existing capabilities of the targeted MDM server, the capabilities of the selected operating system are added. Authentication method and the identity service are configured.