
Learn how to uninstall ODJ service.

Before you begin

You must be a Master Operator to perform this task through WebUI.

About this task

Uninstalling ODJ service removes the service from the target Windows machine. You cannot use the ODJ service any longer from that machine.

To uninstall ODJ service:


  1. From the WebUI main page, click Apps > MCM.
  2. On the Modern Client Management page, click Admin.
  3. On the Admin page, from the left navigation, under ODJ Service, click Uninstall.
  4. On the Target Devices section, click Select to target one or more Windows machine in which you want to remove the ODJ service.
  5. Click Deploy.


ODJ service is uninstalled from the selected targets. There is no recovery from an ODJ service uninstall. To get the Autopilot-enrolled Windows devices to join the Active Directory again, ODJ service must be reinstalled.