Solaris Image Packaging System Repository Management dashboard overview

BigFix® provides the Solaris Image Packaging System Repository Management dashboard to help you manage your Solaris 11 endpoints and locally stored repositories.

Local repositories can significantly decrease the time that is taken to download the files that are needed for patching endpoints. Use this dashboard to set a local repository to use for patching. For information about patching, see Patching using Fixlets.
Note: This dashboard does not support the creation of a physical repository server. You must create the repository separately. For more information about creating repositories, see the Oracle documentation website at

To access the dashboard, subscribe to the Patches for Solaris 11 site. From the Patch Management domain, click All Patch Management > Dashboards > Solaris Image Packaging System Repository Management.

To view the endpoints and local repositories in the dashboard, activate the Solaris Origin Information analysis.

The dashboard offers filtering options to ease searching. You can filter either by computer name or repository name.
Figure 1. Solaris Image Packaging System Repository Management dashboard

Solaris Image Packaging System Repository Management dashboard
By default, the hosted Oracle Solaris release repository is the configured package repository. You can assign a different repository from the list of repositories in the dashboard. You can easily add more local repositories into the list. Ensure that the repository settings reflect the real repository server configuration.

Adding repositories

Local repositories must be created separately. Adding a repository to the dashboard does not create a physical repository server.

The dashboard does not check for the status of the local repository. Ensure that the repositories that you add in the dashboard are working.

Complete the following steps to add a local repository to the repository list in the dashboard:
  1. From the dashboard, click Manage Image Packaging System Repositories.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Enter a repository name and the repository URI. For example, use this repository URI format: protocol://hostname:port/path/.
    Note: The repository URI is validated only for HTTP and NFS shares.
    Figure 2. Add a New Repository dialog

    Add a New Repository dialog
  4. Click Save. The new repository is added to the list, which can be used by the endpoints.

Assigning repositories to endpoints

Complete the following steps to assign a local repository to Solaris 11 endpoints:
  1. From the dashboard, click Manage Endpoints.
  2. Select an endpoint that you want to configure to use a different repository.
  3. Click Assign a new repository.
  4. Select a repository.
    Figure 3. Assign a New Repository dialog

    Assign a New Repository dialog
  5. Specify the repository SSL key and certificate if the selected repository requires those files.
    Note: The Solaris Image Packaging System Repository Management dashboard accepts key and certificate files in .pem format only.
    Note: The Oracle Solaris 11 Support Repository requires both the certificate and SSL key files to access the repository. Obtain both files from the My Oracle Support site. For more information, see
  6. Click Save. The Take Action dialog opens.
  7. Select the endpoint and click OK.
  8. When the action completes, refresh the dashboard to see the changes.