Oracle ZIP package details

The Oracle ZIP package contains the following files:

File details

The table below shows information that these files include:
File type Details File name
Hardware information files The files include information such as hostname, IP address, and processor details. For each machine, <machine_hostname>-glas_cpuq.txt is created.
VMware files The files include the following information:
  • VcenterServerName – Name of the Vcenter
  • VcenterVersion – Version of the vCenter Server
  • HostName – Physical Server (host) name
  • IsStandAlone – TRUE, when the host is not part of a cluster, or FALSE otherwise
  • Datacenter – Name of the Datacenter the physical hosts belong to
  • Cluster – Name of the Cluster the physical hosts belong to
  • VMs – List of Virtual Machines from physical host (separated by a semicolon)
  • Vendor – Vendor of the physical server (host)
  • Model – Model of the physical host
  • FullName – Name of VMware software installed on the physical host
  • Version – Version of VMware software installed on the physical server
  • CpuModel – Type of physical processor installed on the physical server (host)
  • CpuMhz – Processor Speed (in Mhz)
  • CPU – Total number of processors (sockets) installed on the physical host
  • CpuCores – Total number of processor cores installed on the physical host
  • HyperThreading – TRUE, when the hyperthreading is Active on CPU, or FALSE otherwise
  • CpuThreads – Number of threads installed on the physical host
  • PowerState – State of the physical host (as indicated by the host icon and returned by PowerState PowerCLI function)
  • ConnectionState – State of the connection between physical host and vCenter Server
  • Datastores – List of datastores where physical host is connected (separated by a semicolon)
  • ManagedbyServer – Server name
Files with the names, <Vcenter Server Name>-HW-Inventory-Information.csv and <Vcenter Server Name>-VMs-Information.csv are created.
Oracle Java inventory file The file is in CSV format and contains the following columns:
  • Physical Machine Name – In case the Computer Type is Physical then it is the hostname of the computer, in case it is different (Virtual, Public Cloud, Empty) then it is server ID. The column may contain 'No information about virtualization host' in case there is insufficient information to report the correct value (for example, no VM Manager data).
  • Virtual Machine Name – In case the Computer Type is Physical then it is empty, in case it is different (Virtual, Public Cloud, Empty) then it is the hostname of the VM
  • Machine Type – Server (S) or Desktop (D)
  • Java Publisher Name / Java Runtime Vendor – it is 'Oracle'
  • Operating System (OS) – operating system of the computer
  • Environment Type (Prod, Dev, Test, Q&A) – by default it is PROD and should be adjusted by customers if necessary
  • Java Release/Version/Build – full Java version information, for releases prior to version 10 prefix '1.' Is skipped (I.e. 8.0_292-b25 instead of 1.8.0_292-b25)
  • Installation Path (as in Software Installations report)
  • Installation Date – Timestamp when this Java instance was discovered for first time (as in Software Installations report)
  • Release File (Y / N) – if the release file is available or not (for Java releases starting from v7, it will be Y, otherwise N)
  • Processor Make/Model – processor brand string
  • Sockets – server active sockets
  • Cores – server cores
  • 6 and earlier – Values: Y if the version is 6 or earlier, N otherwise
  • Open Source – Values: Y if it is an Open-Source distribution, N otherwise
  • Unlock Commercial Features – Values: Y if it is running with unlocked commercial features, N otherwise
  • Used with OCI – by default it is N and should be adjusted by customers if necessary; values: Y if it’s included in an OCI subscription, N otherwise
  • Part of other product – by default it is N and should be adjusted by customers if necessary; values: Y if it’s included in other Oracle Product license, N otherwise
  • Support required – by default it is N and should be adjusted by customers if necessary; values: Y if the customer requested Oracle Support, N otherwise
  • OTN – by default it is N and should be adjusted by customers if necessary; values: Y if under the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) license agreement, N otherwise
  • BCL – by default it is N and should be adjusted by customers if necessary; values: Y if under the Binary Code License (BCL) development license grant, N otherwise
  • NFTC – by default it is N and should be adjusted by customers if necessary; values: Y if under the No-Fee Terms and Conditions (NFTC), N otherwise)
  • BLRA – by default it is N and should be adjusted by customers if necessary; values: if under the Binary License and Redistribution Agreement (BLRA), N otherwise
  • Mission Control – Values: Y if 'jmrc', 'jmc' or 'missioncontrol' process and folder are found, N otherwise)
  • AMC Agent – Values: Y if Advanced Management Console (AMC) Agent is running, N otherwise
  • UsageTracker – Values: Y if the usagetracker file is found (E.g. ''), N otherwise
File with name, 3PTV_JAVAReport_<Sysdate>.csv is created.
Oracle details Details of databases and related machine hardware information
  • RL_SCRIPT_VERSION - Version of the Script used (example: 21.2)
  • TIMESTAMP - Timestamp of the collection
  • MACHINE_ID - Physical name of the collected machine
  • VMACHINE_ID - Virtual name of the collected machine
  • BANNER - Component name (Edition) and version number
  • DB_NAME – refer to the description below
  • SERVER_MANUFACTURER - Manufacturer of the physical Server
  • SERVER_MODEL - Server Model of the physical Server
  • OPERATING_SYSTEM - Operating System database is running on
  • SOCKETS_POPULATED_PHYS - Number of Processor (Sockets) populated
  • TOTAL_PHYSICAL_CORES - Total number of physical Cores
  • PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER - Processor type of the physical server
  • PROCESSOR_SPEED - Speed in MHz or GHz
  • TOTAL_LOGICAL_CORES - Total number of logical cores assigned to the server
  • PARTITIONING_METHOD - Partitioning method (if discovered)
Oracle options Collected outcome of queries related to database features
  • DB_NAME - refer to the description below
  • TIMESTAMP - Timestamp of the collection
  • INSTANCE_NAME - Name of the collected database v$DATABASE.NAME
  • OPTION_NAME - Name of the Enterprise Edition Option to be analyzed by the query
  • OPTION_QUERY - Identifier of the option query
  • SQL_ERR_CODE - SQL error code returned by the option query, if any.
  • SQL_ERR_MESSAGE - SQL error message returned by the option query, if any.
  • COL010, COL020, COL030 … COL180 - For Oracle LMS internal use only
Oracle database users Information about database users
  • USERNAME - Name of the User
  • USER_ID - ID number of the user
  • DEFAULT_TABLESPACE - Default tablespace for data
  • TEMPORARY_TABLESPACE - Name of the default tablespace for temporary tables or the name of a tablespace group
  • CREATED - User creation date
  • PROFILE - User resource profile name
  • EXPIRY_DATE - Date of expiration of the account
  • ACCOUNT_STATUS - Account status
  • COMMON - Indicates whether a given user is common. Possible values: YES NO
  • LAST_LOGIN - The time of the last user login.
  • MACHINE_ID - Name of the collected machine
  • DB_NAME - refer to the description below
  • TIMESTAMP - Timestamp of the collection
Oracle license statistics Concurrent user session statistics
  • SESSIONS_MAX - Maximum number of concurrent user sessions allowed for the instance
  • SESSIONS_WARNING - Warning limit for concurrent user sessions for the instance
  • SESSIONS_CURRENT - Current number of concurrent user sessions
  • SESSIONS_HIGHWATER - Highest number of concurrent user sessions since the instance started
  • CPU_COUNT_CURRENT - Current number of logical CPUs or processors on the system
  • CPU_COUNT_HIGHWATER - Highest number of logical CPUs or processors on the system since the instance started
  • USERS_MAX - Maximum number of named users allowed for the database
  • MACHINE_ID - Name of the collected machine
  • DB_NAME - refer to the description below
  • TIMESTAMP - Timestamp of the collection
Oracle session information Concurrent user session information
  • SADDR - Session address
  • SID - Session identifier
  • PADDR - Address of the process that owns the session
  • USER# - Oracle user identifier
  • USERNAME - Oracle username.
  • COMMAND - Command in progress (last statement parsed)
  • STATUS - Status of the session
  • SERVER - Server type
  • SCHEMANAME - Schema username
  • OSUSER - Operating system client username
  • PROCESS - Operating system client process ID
  • MACHINE - Operating system machine name
  • TERMINAL - Operating system terminal name
  • PROGRAM - Operating system program name

  • TYPE - Session type
  • LAST_CALL_ET - If the session STATUS is currently ACTIVE, then the value represents the elapsed time (in seconds) since the session has become active. If the session STATUS is currently INACTIVE, then the value represents the elapsed time (in seconds) since the session has become inactive.
  • LOGON_TIME - Time of logon
  • MACHINE_ID - Name of the collected machine
  • DB_NAME - refer to the description below
  • TIMESTAMP - Timestamp of the collection
Oracle overview Collected information about database usage, options and editions, and related machine hardware
  • HOST_NAME – Mandatory, Hostname of the Operating System running the Oracle programs
  • GROUP – Optional, Group/ Division within the company
  • AGGREGATION LEVEL – Optional, Subnet level
  • ORACLE CSI – Optional, Oracle Customer Support Identifier
  • ORACLE PRODUCT CATEGORY – Optional, Oracle product category
  • PHYSICAL MACH. ID / HOST NAME – Optional, Physical server host name
  • VIRTUAL MACH. ID / HOST NAME – Optional, Virtual machine name
  • DATABASE EDITION – Mandatory, Database Server Edition used for licensing the server (not to be confused with the installed edition). E.g. DB SE installation covered by DB SE1 license. It should be adjusted by customers if necessary.
  • LICENCE METRIC – Mandatory, License Metric used for licensing the server. It should be adjusted by customers if necessary.
  • PDB – Mandatory, Name of the pluggable database (for container databases)
  • VERSION – Mandatory, Database version
  • OPTIONS INSTALLED – Optional, Comma separated list of options installed (use acronyms)
  • OPTIONS IN – Optional, Comma separated list of options in use (use acronyms)
  • PACKS GRANTED – Optional, Comma separated list of OEM packs granted (use acronyms)
  • PACKS AGREED – Optional, Comma separated list of OEM packs agreed (use acronyms)
  • APPLICATION – Optional, Application name
  • ENVIRONMENT USAGE (prod, test, dev...) – Mandatory, the type/purpose of the environment where the Oracle program is deployed (E.g. Production, Development, Test, …).It should be adjusted by customers if necessary.
  • USER COUNT (DBA Users) – Optional, Total count of Database users
  • USER COUNT (Application) – Optional, Total count of Application users
  • SERVER MANUFACTURER – Mandatory, Name of the machine manufacturer (E.g. HP, IBM, etc.)
  • SERVER MODEL – Mandatory, Model of the server machine (E.g. Proliant DL 585 G6)
  • OPERATING SYSTEM – Mandatory, Server Operating System (OS)
  • SOCKETS POPULATED PHYSICAL – Mandatory, Total number of sockets occupied by physical processors
  • TOTAL PHYSICAL CORES – Mandatory, Total number of available physical cores
  • PROCESSOR IDENTIFIER – Mandatory, Server type (E.g. Six-Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor)
  • PROCESSOR SPEED – Mandatory, Processor speed (E.g. 2600 MHz)
  • SOCKET CAPACITY PHYSICAL NUMBER – Mandatory, Total number of physical available sockets; the value cannot be collected when not every CPU socket is occupied. Therefore, this value should contain the number of occupied CPU sockets. The customers should adjust this value on servers with not occupied CPU sockets.
  • TOTAL LOGICAL CORES – Mandatory, Total number of logical cores
  • PARTITIONING METHODS – Mandatory, Partitioning methodology used
  • PRIMARY DATABASE – Mandatory, For Standby, Failover, DR or Backup Testing servers, enter the name of the primary (production) database(s). If these names are not unique, also specify the servers. (e.g. SOLPROD1, MOND, TER on, TER on It should be adjusted by customers if necessary.
  • SESSIONS Optional, Number of sessions
  • INSTANCE SESSIONS HIGHWATER Optional, Sessions high watermark
  • INSTALL DATE Optional, Database installation date
  • MEASUREMENT COMMENT – Optional, Comments on measurement
  • TIMESTAMP – Optional, Timestamp of the collection currently not in use

Oracle Database Inventory files

DB_NAME - column uniquely identified the collected database instance/pluggable database on the server.

  • For non-container databases it contains V$INSTANCE.INSTANCE_NAME

  • For Container Databases (CDB) it contains the instance name concatenated with "~" separator and the Pluggable Database (PDB) name for the collected container. Any "$" character in the PDB name must be replaced with "_": V$INSTANCE.INSTANCE_NAME + || '~' ||replace(sys_context('USERENV', 'CON_NAME'), '$', '_')

    Examples: ORCL1~CDB_ROOT, ORCL1~PDB1