Windows SCEP Username template

This custom template is intended for creating SCEP policy to be deployed on to Windows devices based on the device user name for OTA enrollments.

About this task

To create a custom policy from the Windows SCEP Username template, complete the following steps:


  1. From the MCM application click Create Policy and select Custom from Template.
  2. On the General Settings page, enter the Policy Name and Description.
  3. Select Windows as the Operating System.
  4. From the Assign Policy to Site drop-down, select a site to assign the policy.
  5. From the Select a policy from template drop-down, select Windows SCEP Username policy.
  6. Click Save to save the custom Windows SCEP Username policy.
  7. Add the custom policy to an appropriate Policy Group.
    Note: At the time of deploying the policy, the necessary parameters are replaced as per the Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) configuration.