Types of remote control sessions that can be established
When establishing a remote control session with a target you can choose the type of session to take part in. The session types available are defined by the policies that have been set for the session.
- Active Mode
- Connect to a target and obtain full remote control of the target. You can view the target’s screen and control the remote mouse and keyboard. For more details, see Taking full control of a target system.
- Chat Only
- Use Chat only mode to chat to the target user. You are not able to view the target’s screen. See also Chatting to the target user during a remote control session.
- Monitor Mode
- Connect to a target to view the target’s screen to monitor activity. You have no control over the remote mouse or keyboard.
- Guidance
- Connect to a target to view the target’s screen and add guidance
icons to it. You have no control over the remote mouse or keyboard.
For more details, see Providing guidance to the target user .Note: Maximising a window on the target or performing something which requires a repaint of the target screen may remove them.
- File Transfer
- Connect to a target to view the target’s file system and transfer files and directories from your system to the target and vice versa. For more details, see Transferring files and directories.
- Reboot
- Use the Reboot session type to connect to a target and restart it.