Updating server software catalog
The server software catalog is automatically updated during every upgrade of BigFix Inventory. BigFix Inventory Server Software Catalog is refreshed more often than server and you can benefit from the newly connected by updating the server software catalog.
Before you begin
- The Server Software Catalog Update task updates the data in the following directories:
- /opt/BFI/wlp/usr/servers/server1/data/sam/catalog/BFI
- C:\Program Files\BigFix Enterprise\BFI\wlp\usr\servers\server1\data\sam\catalog\BFI
About this task
- Automatic Server Catalog Update (recommmended)
- Log in to the BigFix console.
- In the navigation bar, click .
- In the upper-right pane, select Server Software Catalog Update from
[10.0.15] / Software Catalog Update, and then click Take Action. The
action is applicable only on the computer on which the BigFix Inventory server is
installed. Select the computer, and click OK.
If the task is not applicable on that computer, see: Catalog problems.
- Wait for the scheduled import of data or run it manually.
- Manual Server Catalog Update
- Download the server software catalog
- Log in to the BigFix console.
- In the navigation bar, click .
- In the upper-right pane, select Server Software Catalog Update from [version 10.0.15] / Software Catalog Update
- Use the link in on Description panel to download the server software catalog to the computer from which you access the BigFix Inventory web user interface.
- Upload the server software catalog to BigFix Inventory.
- Log in to BigFix Inventory.
- In the navigation bar, click .
- [version 10.0.15 only] Expand "Advanced" section.
- Click Browse and select the software catalog file.
- To upload the file, click Upload. The software catalog file and the charge unit data are listed in the Upload and Import History table. Their status is Pending.
- Wait for the scheduled import of data or run it manually.
- Download the server software catalog