- Database creation logs and return codes
The log file is automatically generated when you create a database during the initial configuration of BigFix Inventory. The log file contains a return code that can help you check why database creation or validation failed. The file is in the /tmp directory and has a time stamp suffix, for example: /tmp/createdb_20131018-131841.
- Server installation and upgrade logs
Installation and upgrade log files are in the same directories, because those processes are completed by using the same installer. If you encounter any problems while installing or upgrading the server, refer to those log files for more information about any occurring errors.
- Server installation and uninstallation return codes
If the server installation or uninstallation fails, check the return code to learn about the reason of the problem and possible solutions.
- Software scan return codes
If the software scan fails, an error code that indicates why the scan failed is returned. Check what is the possible cause of scan failure that is indicated by each code and how to solve the problem.
- Capacity scan return codes
If the capacity scan fails, an error code that indicates why the scan failed is returned. Check what is the possible cause of scan failure that is indicated by each code and how to solve the problem.
- Whitelisting scanner
This section describes the methods to whitelist scanner services.
- Return codes of capacity scans on virtualization hosts
If the capacity scan that is run by using the Run Capacity Scan on Virtualization Hosts task fails, an error code that indicates why the scan failed is returned. The code is presented in the results of the Status of Capacity Scan on Virtualization Hosts analysis. Check what is the possible cause of scan failure that is indicated by each code and how to solve the problem.
- Import logs
Import logs contain information about the import of data from the
BigFix server to
BigFix Inventory. They list steps related to the import process and show their status. Each action in the log file is reported according to the UTC time zone, but the file also shows information about the local time zone of your server.
The import log also shows a warning about duplicate UUIDs (universally unique identifier).
- Server log file
The server log file tema.log is in the installation_directory/wlp/usr/servers/server1/logs/ directory. The log file saves all actions related to the server and is the primary source of information for troubleshooting purposes. Each action in the log file is reported according to the UTC time zone, but the file also shows information about the local time zone of your server.
- VM Manager tool return codes
If you encounter any problems while configuring or managing the VM Manager tool, refer to the log files for more information about any occurring errors. The log files for the VM Manager tool are in the following directories:
- Changing and analyzing scanner trace settings
You can change the scanner trace settings to collect diagnostic data to help in investigating problems.
- Checking why a fixlet or task is not relevant
Available from 9.2.1. When a fixlet or task is not relevant on a particular endpoint, you can create an analysis that checks which part of the relevance expression is not matched. This way, you can identify the exact reason why the fixlet or task cannot be run on an endpoint and troubleshoot the problem.
- Removing the server manually
If you encounter any problems with uninstalling the BigFix Inventory server, you can remove it manually.
- Checking the client installation date
You can create a property on your BigFix server that enables the date when your endpoints first connected to the server.
- Changing the PVU per core value
Available from 9.2.3. The number of processor value units is assigned per processor core based on the information that is provided in the PVU table. It might happen that the value that is assigned to a processor in your environment is incorrect. In such case, manually change the PVU per core value to ensure that subcapacity licenses are properly calculated. When the problem that causes incorrect detection of the PVU value is solved, reset the PVU per core to the value that is specified in the PVU table.
- Troubleshooting scanner catalogs update
Scanner catalogs are used by the scanner to discover software on the endpoints. The catalogs are automatically updated after each import of the BigFix software catalog. Use this procedure only if the automatic update of the scanner catalogs fails or one of the Advanced Server Settings: enable_automatic_task_deployment or enable_automatic_catalog_download is set to false.
- Preserving bundling when the BigFix client is reinstalled or reverted from a snapshot
When the BigFix client is reinstalled or reverted from a snapshot, the next time it registers at the BigFix server, it receives a new Data Source Computer ID. The BigFix client with the old Data Source Computer ID becomes inactive because it does not report with the same Computer ID. As a result, the BigFix console shows duplicated entries for the same computer. Additionally, the affected computer loses bundling information for software that was discovered on this computer. To avoid this situation, store some registry keys data aside of the computer whose identity you want to preserve.
- Setting the code page for double-byte languages
Double-byte character corruption can occur in some environments because BigFix Inventory uses the code page to transcode data. For double-byte languages such as Korean, Japanese, and Chinese, set the code page to avoid character corruption.
- Contacting Support
HCL Support provides assistance with product defects.