Form fields

In the Configuration under Automatic Form Fill, the General Form Fill view lists the values that AppScan will utilize to automatically fill in forms.

About this task

You can add to or edit the Form fields that AppScan® uses to automatically fill forms during scanning.


To add a new definition, click + Add.

The Add form field dialog box appears.




A name that describes the parameter.


The name, or part of the name, that is used to define this parameter in the HTML. When AppScan finds a field with this parameter name it fills in the value supplied.

To enter multiple parameter names in one row, use a comma without a space. Example: Description: Zip Code | Parameters: zip,postal


The user input that AppScan will send for this parameter.

Match Type

Defines how AppScan will search for the parameter defined here, and how it relates to field-filling options supplied by the site. Options are "Partial" or "Complete."

Complete: The value will be input only for parameters that exactly match one of the text strings in the Parameters field. (For example, the parameter defined as addr, will not be used for a field named address.) Furthermore, if the field offers a drill-down list of options, this value will be used only if it exactly matches one of the options.

Partial: This value will be input for parameters that match or partially match one of the parameter strings listed here. (For example, if the parameter is defined as addr, it will also be used for a fields named address, or ADDR.) Furthermore, if the field offers a drill-down list of options, and none of the options exactly match the value entered here, a close match will be used instead.


If this field is left empty, this value will be used for this parameter regardless of URL.

If a specific URL is given, this value will be used for only for parameters that occur in this URL. (You can therefore define a parameter one way for one URL and differently for another.)

However, if there is no other row with the same parameters and an empty URL, the value of this row is default for all other URLs too.


Exporting Form Fields

Importing a saved ASFF file