Exécution d'évaluations automatisées
L'AppScan® Source - Interface de ligne de commande (CLI) vous permet d'importer automatiquement un fichier de projet AppScan® Source (.ppf) et d'examiner votre code source. Depuis la ligne de commande, vous pouvez exécuter un script, comme dans l'exemple Run_Assessments.txt ci-dessous.
AppScanSrcCli scr c:\<install_dir>\bin\Run_Assessments.txt
Sample Run_Assessments.txt
# Log in.
Login <hostname> <username> <password>
# Turn on logging.
log on c:\myLogFile.log
# Create a new application named "testit."
new testit c:\AppTest
# Navigate to the newly created application.
cd testit
# Import the Project files (.ppfs) under c:\projects\joans.
im c:\projects\joans\*.ppf
# Refresh the Project.
# Run an assessment.
# Register the assessment
# Publish the assessment
# Log out and end the CLI session.
Logging to 'c:\mylogfile.log'...
AllApplications>> new testit c:\AppTest
AllApplications>> cd testit
AllApplications\testit>> import c:\TestApps\testproj\*.ppf
AllApplications\testit>> refresh
AllApplications\testit>> ls
214: testproj (Project [local])
AllApplications\testit>> la
testit has no current assessments.
New Scan started at 15:41:55
Scanning Project testproj (1 of 1)
Preparing project for scan...
Searching File C:\TestApps\\testproj\src\se\bluefish\blueblog\metarepository\Meta
Category.java (21 of 33)
Searching File C:\TestApps\testproj\src\se\bluefish\blueblog\metarepository\Meta
Repository.java (22 of 33)
Total Call Sites: 348
Total Definitive Security Findings with High Severity: 5
Total Definitive Security Findings with Medium Severity: 1
Total Definitive Security Findings with Low Severity: 4
Total Suspect Security Findings with High Severity: 0
Total Suspect Security Findings with Medium Severity: 8
Total Suspect Security Findings with Low Severity: 0
Total Scan Coverage Findings with High Severity: 16
Total Scan Coverage Findings with Medium Severity: 27
Total Scan Coverage Findings with Low Severity: 16
Total Lines: 7386
Max V-Density: 732.2772813430815
Max V/kloc: 10.42512862171676
V-Density: 732.2772813430815
V/kloc: 10.42512862171676
AllApplications\testit>> register
AllApplications\testit>> 'testit' registered successfully.
AllApplications\testit>> pa
Assessment Successfully Published.
AllApplications\testit>> la
AllApplications\testit>> 27001: testit (Application, Fri Mar 14 15:41:55 EDT 2008)