Removing finding modifications
If you have modified findings, you can remove the modifications (revert back to original values) using the methods described in this topic.
About this task
There are a variety of methods for removing finding modifications:
- Removing modifications in the Modified Findings view: This method requires that an assessment is open for the application that contains modifications that you want to remove. It is useful when you want to revert multiple modified findings.
- Removing modifications in other views with findings: This method requires an open assessment - and is particularly useful if you have made more than one modification to a finding, and you want to revert a subset of the changes. For example, if you have changed the severity and classification of a finding - and want to revert to the original severity while keeping the modified classification - this method is most suitable.
- Removing modifications in the Modified Findings tab of the Properties view (AppScan Source for Analysis only): This method is useful if you want to remove modifications for an application that does not have an open assessment - and can be used for reverting multiple modified findings.
Removing modifications in the Modified Findings view
- In the Modified Findings view, select the modified finding that you want to revert. Multiple findings can be selected using the keyboard Ctrl and Shift keys on Windows™
- Click Delete Modifications or right click the selection and choose Delete Modifications from the menu.
Removing modifications in other views with findings
About this task
In any view that contains a findings table, you can choose the columns to display using the Select and Order Columns action. Using this feature, you can display Severity (Original), Severity (Custom), Classification (Original), and Classification (Custom) columns. These columns assist you in returning modifications to their original values (by actions in the findings table or by using the Finding Detail view). For example, given a finding with a Severity or Severity (Custom) value of High - and a Severity (Original) value of Medium - the severity level can be returned to Medium using a variety of methods, such as:
- In a findings table, right click the finding and choose in the menu.
- Select the finding and then, in the Finding Detail view, set the Severity field to Medium.
Removing modifications in the Modified Findings tab of the Properties view (AppScan® Source for Analysis only)
- In the Explorer view, select the application that contains the modifications that you want to remove.
- In the Modified Findings view, select the modified finding that you want to revert. Multiple findings can be selected using the keyboard Ctrl and Shift keys.
- Click Delete Modifications or right click the selection and choose Delete Modifications from the menu.